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# Context Periodical Group Issue PDF
1 … for battle and filing their ranks, the prayer is called. So 'Isa Ibn Maryam ('alayhis-Salam) will descend and lead them. When the enemy of Allah sees him, he will melt as salt melts in water. If he were to leave him, he would melt … Dabiq Da'esh 1
2 … for battle and filing their ranks, the prayer is called. So 'Isa Ibn Maryam ('alayhis-Salam) will de-scend and lead them. When the enemy of Al-lah sees him, he will melt as salt melts in water. If he were to leave him, he would melt … Dabiq Da'esh 1
3 … cause of Allah, nor do they tread on any ground that enrages the disbelievers, nor do they inflict upon an enemy any infliction but that is registered for them as a righteous deed. In-deed, Allah does not allow to be lost the … Dabiq Da'esh 2
4 … village of Zur Maghar, near Jarablus. The assault began in the morning and included a group of inghimasiyyin plunging into the enemy ranks, with support from the mortar team, a tank, a BMP, a 23 millimeter gun, and some doshkas. The muja-hidin killed … Dabiq Da'esh 2
5 … case even if he is killed out­side of Sham, just as the companions were killed as they advanced against the enemy and plunged into the enemy's ranks outside of Madinah, in spite of having made hijrah to Madinah and in spite … Dabiq Da'esh 3
6 … filing their ranks, the prayer is called. So 'Isa Ibn Maryam (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) will descend and lead them. When the enemy of Allah sees him, he will melt as salt melts in water. If he were to leave him he would melt … Dabiq Da'esh 3
7 … you life} means war, by which Allah honored you after humiliation, strength­ened you after weakness, and defended you from your enemy after their subjugation of you" [Tafsir Ibn Kathir]. Jihad not only grants life on the larger scale of the Ummah, it … Dabiq Da'esh 3
8 … that Obama now blindly follows the example of "the war president" Bush. He will continue to strengthen the ancient and histor­ical enemy of the West - Persia/Iran. He sends comforting signals to the agents of the Iranian government in Syria and Lebanon (al-Asad … Dabiq Da'esh 3
9 … agents of Iran. He does all this more foolishly than Bush, for Iran is a key ally of Russia, another historical enemy of the West, currently battling Western allies in the Ukraine and elsewhere! And to achieve these goals, he sacrifices the … Dabiq Da'esh 3
10 … made them the single Sun­ni threat towards America and its civilization" [Wa Yamkuruna Wa Yamkurullah]. And he said, "This prompted the enemy of Al­lah - Bush - to say after the blessed rise of the Islamic State, 'They strive to establish an … Dabiq Da'esh 4
11 … the ghanimah wealth. Rather, his provision was from the fay' that Allah granted him from Khaybar and Fadak. Fay' is what the enemy leaves behind after fear­fully fleeing, contrary to ghanimah, which is tak­en through fighting with the sword. Therefore, mention of the spear … Dabiq Da'esh 4
12 … the sword. Therefore, mention of the spear more clearly indicates the acquirement of fay', because the spear is seen by the enemy from a distance, so he flees, and thus he flees from the spear's shade by which fay' is taken. The provision … Dabiq Da'esh 4
13 … filing their ranks, the prayer is called. So 'Isa Ibn Maryam (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) will descend and lead them. When the enemy of Allah sees him, he will melt as salt melts in water. If he were to leave him he would melt … Dabiq Da'esh 4
14 … not come until the people stop dividing inheritance and rejoicing over boo­ty." Then he said, while pointing towards Sham, "An enemy shall muster strength against the Muslims and the Muslims will muster strength against them." Yusayr Ibn Jabir asked him, "You … Dabiq Da'esh 4
15 … truce or treaty. During this time, the Muslims and Romans will fight a common enemy. The fact that they fight a common enemy does not necessitate there is any form of military cooperation between them, as some of the hadith commentators have said, … Dabiq Da'esh 4
16 … form of military cooperation between them, as some of the hadith commentators have said, "Or [it means] you fight your enemy on your own while they fight their [same] enemy on their own" [Hashiyat as-Sindi 'Ala Sunan Ibn Ma­jah]. This is closer … Dabiq Da'esh 4
17 … the hadith commentators have said, "Or [it means] you fight your enemy on your own while they fight their [same] enemy on their own" [Hashiyat as-Sindi 'Ala Sunan Ibn Ma­jah]. This is closer to the teachings of the Proph­et (sallallahu 'alayhi wa … Dabiq Da'esh 4
18 … I will leave prison and speak the Sunnah in front of the people.' I heard him say this." "When his enemy nicknamed Jashinkir assumed kingship and Shaykhul-Islam was informed of such, they told him, 'Now he will achieve his plot against … Dabiq Da'esh 4
19 … fight for them without pay" [Inil Hukmu Illa Lillah]. A number of Americans and Westerners have spoken about their ancient Iranian enemy and its allies - possibly the common enemy referred to by the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam). The Jewish crusader, former … Dabiq Da'esh 4
20 … Lillah]. A number of Americans and Westerners have spoken about their ancient Iranian enemy and its allies - possibly the common enemy referred to by the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam). The Jewish crusader, former US Secretary of State and US National Security … Dabiq Da'esh 4
21 … (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, "You will have a treaty of security with the Romans until you both fight an enemy beyond them. And you will be victorious, you will gain war booty, and you will achieve such without losses. Thereafter you will … Dabiq Da'esh 4
22 … the Strong. So fear Allah, your Lord. Do not let Shaytan deceive you with his propaganda and slander. Indeed, he is a clear enemy to you." The mujahidin of Yemen counseled the Mus­lims with the prophetic advice and order for the times of division: … Dabiq Da'esh 5
23 … against me in response to the Islamic State's call, already halfway to the magic one billion dollars spent and the enemy appear to be leapfrogging from strength to strength. And not just that, they're actually expanding their influence and territo­ry into other … Dabiq Da'esh 5
24 … even if you have to remain there for a lengthy period of time. And if you're in a place where the enemy fears you and you fear the enemy, then that is ribat. Allah (ta'ala) said, {O you who have believed, perse­vere and … Dabiq Da'esh 6
25 … of Allah is better than the Dunya and everything in it." [21] My brother, do not wish to encounter the enemy if your wish is the result of your self-de­lusion, your pride, your overconfidence, or any­thing similar. Allah's Messenger (sallallahu 'alay­hi wa … Dabiq Da'esh 6
26 … lot of combat. Make fre­quent mention of the grudges you have against the enemy, for they increase your boldness. Remember that the enemy raped your mothers and your sisters, prevented you from Jumu'ah and congregational prayers, and cut you off from trade and … Dabiq Da'esh 6
27 … worldly affairs. ADVICE FOR THE SOLDIERS OF THE ISLAMIC STATE [23] You must have guides when you head out towards the enemy if you're unable to study your territory and the enemy's territory. And take enough supplies, including weapons, food, and medicine, and … Dabiq Da'esh 6
28 … pain, and don't take a lot of clothes. [24] "Do a good deed before the battle, for you only fight the enemy with your deeds." The And know that victory and consolidation are in Allah's hands alone. {If Allah should aid you, then … Dabiq Da'esh 6
29 … which He gathers the etiquette of war. He said, {O you who have believed, when you encounter a company [from the enemy forces], stand firm and remember Allah much that you may be successful. And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not … Dabiq Da'esh 6
30 … Allah Himself. The means should not distract us from Allah. {O you who have believed, when you encounter a company [from the enemy forces], stand firm and remember Allah much that you may be success­ful} [Al-Anfal: 45]. Thus, the Islamic State has established numerous … Dabiq Da'esh 6
31 … the striker jets. We sweep the area to destroy any anti-air­craft weaponry on the ground and provide cov­er in the case enemy jets appear. Then the strik­er jets equipped with laser-guided missiles come in to carry out their part of the mission. We took … Dabiq Da'esh 6
32 … these matters exist until now. Abu Mus'ab az-Zarqawi went to Afghanistan during the Russian occupation so as to repel the communist enemy assaulting the Muslim land of Afghanistan despite what he saw of shar'i violations from the laymen of the people. For this … Dabiq Da'esh 6
33 … which was Wa­ziristan. It was full of different groups, creeds, and methodologies ascribing to jihad. They all took part in fighting the enemy (America). From amongst these groups was Tandhim al-Qa'idah which had become famous because of its special operations, the most famed of … Dabiq Da'esh 6
34 … back to Kuki Khayl and Tura Dara. The army then entered Midan, achieving a victory by which it damaged its strongest enemy force (the Tahrik) and expelled them from the area. The government program thereafter was to move south into central Waziristan, the … Dabiq Da'esh 6
35 … until in 2000, the former Baathist regime declared they would sell their oil only in euros and not to "an enemy state." America went back in 2003 under the pretense of "weapons of mass destruction" and the "war on terror" and, … Dabiq Da'esh 6
36 … of hastiness, for an act of hastiness may lead to regret. [10] Put the harsh and courageous men forward against the enemy during the heat of the battle, and distribute them amongst the various detachments so that they can be a source … Dabiq Da'esh 7
37 … The leader must study the battlefield very well. He should not fight from a position that will be easy for the enemy to surround without ensuring that the vulnerable points are guarded. And he should not take his soldiers out to a place … Dabiq Da'esh 7
38 … the chest of the one with whom he stores the secret is even narrower" [Poetry]. And be on guard against your enemy at all times so that he doesn't: a. Pounce on you from near. b. Assault you from far. c. Ambush you when … Dabiq Da'esh 7
39 … opportunities, "For indeed they come and go as the passing of clouds. And do not only seek the traces of the enemy left behind after the main body is gone." Pounce when the opportunity first arises and not when it's already gone. "When … Dabiq Da'esh 7
40 … do not want to get into a war with them because we are busy in the battle against the greatest enemy of the Ummah [America] and because they are our partners in this nation, partners whom we wish to live with … Dabiq Da'esh 7
41 … is more terrifying for the kuffar than for the Muslims to achieve countless, successive victories on the battlefield against their enemy while still remaining divided amongst themselves. Such Muslims remain blameworthy for their insistence on division and disunity even if they uphold … Dabiq Da'esh 7
42 … three types. The first is a believer who wages jihad fi sabilillah with his soul and wealth until he meets the enemy and fights until he is killed. He is the purified shahid in Allah's garden, beneath His throne. The Prophets are not better … Dabiq Da'esh 7
43 … that he desires ...The last is a hypocrite who wages jihad with his soul and wealth until he meets the enemy and fights until he is killed. He is in Hellfire for the sword does not erase hypocrisy" [Hasan: Reported by Imam … Dabiq Da'esh 7
44 … DHIKR Yahya ('alayhis-salam) said, "I order you with much dhikr of Allah. A parable of this is a man whom the enemy pursues, following his tracks until the man comes to a fortified fortress and finds shelter there. Similar to this is the … Dabiq Da'esh 7
45 … it, is for Allah} [Al-Anfal: 39]. Everyone who opposes this goal or stands in the path of this goal is an enemy for us and a target for our swords, whatever his name may be and whatever his lineage may be. We have … Dabiq Da'esh 8
46 … and our judgments are upon the prophetic tradition. The American Muslim is our beloved brother. And the kafir Arab is our despised enemy even if we and he were to have shared the same womb" [Al-Mawqif ash-Shar'i min Hukumat Karazay al-'Iraq]. FOREWORD The Khalifah … Dabiq Da'esh 8
47 … that a Muslim is our brother even if he is a Filipino Asian and that the devil worshipper is our enemy even if he is definitely Iraqi" [Fa'ammaz-Zabadu Fayadhhabu Jufa'a]. On "25 December 2014," the Shamiyyah Front was announced in Aleppo. It consists … Dabiq Da'esh 8
48 … is beloved to Allah. {Nor do they tread on any ground that enrages the kuffar, nor do they inflict upon an enemy any infliction but that is registered for them as a righteous deed} [At-Tawbah: 120]. The kuffar had unearthed these statues and … Dabiq Da'esh 8
49 … who resides amongst the mushrikin" [Reported by Abu Dawud and at­tirmidhi], and, "Hijrah will not cease as long as the enemy is fought" [Reported by Imam Ahmad and an-Nasa'i], it would suffice us to refute the doubts of the doubters and … Dabiq Da'esh 8
50 … patience and to perform ribat against the mushrikin" [Tafsir at-Tabari]. Zayd Ibn Aslam (rahimahullah) said, "Be patient upon jihad, outlast your enemy in patience, and perform ribat against your enemy" [Tafsir at­Tabari]. Qatadah (rahimahullah) said, "That means, be patient upon obedience to Allah, … Dabiq Da'esh 9
51 … {and fear Allah that you may be successful}" [Tafsir at-Tabari]. Muhammad Ibn Ka'b al-Quradhi (rahimahullah) said, "{And perform ribat} against My enemy and your enemy until he abandons his religion for your religion" [Tafsir Ibn al-Mundhir]. The ayah is a command to perform … Dabiq Da'esh 9
52 … that you may be successful}" [Tafsir at-Tabari]. Muhammad Ibn Ka'b al-Quradhi (rahimahullah) said, "{And perform ribat} against My enemy and your enemy until he abandons his religion for your religion" [Tafsir Ibn al-Mundhir]. The ayah is a command to perform the well-known ribat … Dabiq Da'esh 9
53 … people of shirk.' I consider the linguistic root of ribat to be binding (irtibat) the horses in preparation for the enemy just as their enemy binds their horses in preparation for them. The word was then used for every person stationed at … Dabiq Da'esh 9
54 … consider the linguistic root of ribat to be binding (irtibat) the horses in preparation for the enemy just as their enemy binds their horses in preparation for them. The word was then used for every person stationed at the frontier posts defending … Dabiq Da'esh 9
55 … at the frontier posts defending those behind him - throughout the area between him and them - those whom the enemy desires to harm with evil, whether the enemy has horses he has bounded or is on foot without a riding … Dabiq Da'esh 9
56 … - throughout the area between him and them - those whom the enemy desires to harm with evil, whether the enemy has horses he has bounded or is on foot without a riding animal for himself. The reason we said that the … Dabiq Da'esh 9
57 … thereof no knowledge. They follow not except assumption, and indeed, assumption avails not against the truth at all} [An-Najm: 28]. A common enemy and mutual interests does not necessitate that the mujahidin are agents of one of the two kafir camps (especially when … Dabiq Da'esh 9
58 … them to abandon any ruling of the Shari'ah they desire. This is why seeking aid from the kuffar against another kafir enemy is dangerous, for their stipulations initially appear "innocent" before developing into blatant kufr. And how much more serious is it when … Dabiq Da'esh 9
59 … were killed together in the prison. Hudhayfah (rahimahullah) was steadfast like anchored mountains while in the Rafidah's "Counter-Terrorism" prison. When the Rafidi enemy of Allah, Nouri al-Maliki, met him and told him that he would soon be executed by hanging, he replied to … Dabiq Da'esh 9
60 … to take them out for interrogation. So Hudhayfah took care of killing him. Then he went to the director of "Counter-Terrorism," the enemy of Allah, Mu'ayyad as­Salih. He executed him and retaliated for the Muslims. Likewise, the brother Abu Khawlah, military leader of Baghdad, and … Dabiq Da'esh 9
61 … in, striking them with Apache helicopters. However, the brothers persisted with their combat until they were all killed while facing the enemy not retreating. They were ten from the best of knights, led by our knight, the Wali Hudhayfah al-Battawi. He (rahimahullah) was eager … Dabiq Da'esh 9
62 … would flee from a leper! The problem is not that the crusaders consider these jihad claimants to have a common enemy - one whom the Muslims pronounce takfir upon, such as the Rafidah, the Nusayriyyah, the secularists, and the proponents of … Dabiq Da'esh 9
63 … the Muslims for material reasons, such as their Safawi enemy's desire to produce nuclear weapons. But rather, they consider their common enemy to be the Islamic State that the shahid leaders these jihad claimants ascribe themselves to had praised repeatedly. Below you will … Dabiq Da'esh 9
64 … briefly on "22 March 2015," "Our rebel allies are predominately Sunni-based and include a healthy dose of Al-Qaida our sworn enemy in Ira[q] and Afghanistan has somehow managed to be on our side in Syria." And after it being merely a … Dabiq Da'esh 9
65 … and its allies have, once again, been caught completely by surprise as they now find themselves fighting not just one enemy in Iraq and Sham, but now an international army of mujahidin numbering hundreds of thousands in different countries, whole continents … Dabiq Da'esh 9
66 … established until inheritance is not divided and booty is not rejoiced over." Then he said, while pointing towards Sham, "An enemy will gather against the people of Islam and the people of Islam will gather against them. He was asked, You mean … Dabiq Da'esh 9
67 … the criminal Nusayri army, deviant Khawarij, and corrupt factions, who transgressed and assaulted the lives and honor of the Muslims. The enemy has testified to this before the friend, and all praise is due to Allah. We also call everyone to be accurate … Dabiq Da'esh 10
68 … a way} [Al 'Imran: 97]. He did not make the permission of parents a condition'" [Al-Mughni]. Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rsaid, "If the enemy plans to attack the Muslims, then repelling him becomes obligatory upon all those intended for by the attack and upon … Dabiq Da'esh 10
69 … battle for the city of as-Sukhnah, where he advanced together with his brothers and was eventually hit and killed by enemy shrapnel. He used to work day and night to serve the Islamic State, he defended the religion, established gatherings of knowledge, … Dabiq Da'esh 10
70 … qiyamul-layl and was an example of good conduct. People's hearts were inclined towards him. Our knight departed and the hearts of the enemy boil with envy and spite while our hearts happily say, "See you - insha'allah - in the gardens of eternity … Dabiq Da'esh 10
71 … time. If, on the other hand, you make light of the issue of remaining with your kafir husband who is an enemy of Allah and His Messenger and has sold his Hereafter for someone else's dunya, and who fights the muwahiddin and … Dabiq Da'esh 10
72 … of the entire world is easier on her than to remain in the guardianship of a man who is an enemy of Allah, His Messenger, and the believers. And how often I wonder to myself, is there not amongst the wives of … Dabiq Da'esh 10
73 … and by their corrupt doubts and false claims. Then these areas were subjected to the authority of the Shari'ah and the enemy confirmed so even before the friend. The Islamic State was even accused of "rushing" the enforcement of the Shari'ah laws, "burning … Dabiq Da'esh 10
74 … over the weak. Every party has its suspicions and claims. Some of them say that the establishment of the Shari'ah incites the enemy against the people of Sham and they fear to be afflicted by adversities. Others say the greater good dictates not to … Dabiq Da'esh 10
75 … it is necessary that the muwahhid mujahid knows whom he fights and why and likewise it is important that the enemy knows why he is fought and killed, so that perhaps some of the ignorant misguided ones in their ranks wake … Dabiq Da'esh 10
76 … titles in Sham such as "Ansar ash-Shari'ah;" they have not applied the Shari'ah nor have they shown hostility to any enemy for the religion's sake, except for the enemies of the "revolution." As for those others resisting the Shari'ah, then they … Dabiq Da'esh 10
77 … non-Arab tawaghit including the American slaves Hamad Al Thani and Tamim Al Thani of Qatar, and declaring the most evil enemy of Islam - the Safawi regime of Iran - a Muslim state! He released statements upholding the principles of the … Dabiq Da'esh 11
78 … it, is for Allah} [Al-Anfal: 39]. Everyone who opposes this goal or stands in the path of this goal is an enemy to us and a target for our swords, whatever his name may be and whatever his lineage may be. We have … Dabiq Da'esh 11
79 … our judgments are upon the prophetic tradition. The American Muslim is our beloved brother, and the kafir Arab is our despised enemy even if he and we were to have shared the same womb" [Al-Mawqif ash-Shar'i Min Hukumat Karazay al-'Iraq].Today, non-Arab Muslims … Dabiq Da'esh 11
80 … Islamic State as they had agreed to a truce with the Americans and decided the so-called "Khawarij" were the greater enemy of Islam!The "Ikhwanization" of "jihad" was behind the treacheries and deviances of Burhanuddin Rabbani, Ahmad Shah Massoud, and Abdul Rasul … Dabiq Da'esh 11
81 … "jihadi" Sahwah factions - driven by irja' and hizbiyyah - apostatize and ally with the nationalist factions against the common enemy - the "Khawarij" - while fabricating excuses for the kufr of their nationalist allies to portray them as merely mistaken … Dabiq Da'esh 11
82 … Battle of al-Ahzab meant they were a force to be reckoned with, and coupled with their numerous military victories, their enemy would soon have to admit defeat and concede to a truce, as occurred in al-Hudaybiyah, the violation of which by … Dabiq Da'esh 11
83 … foreign powers, next-to-useless European allies, a Western world that prefers its own death to slaughtering its enemy, and an Islamist enemy far smarter and more talented than it is given credit for, the U.S. governing elite will have only one option.Turning from … Dabiq Da'esh 11
84 … military situation in Libya differs from region to region, depending on the number of Khilafah soldiers and the type of enemy in addition to the social composition and geography of the various regions. It also depends on the conflicts and coalitions that … Dabiq Da'esh 11
85 … are the deeds of those upon the methodology of the revived Khilafah. They will not let its enemies enjoy rest until enemy blood is spilled in revenge for the religion and the Ummah. So let every such muwahhid barred from hijrah purify him­self … Dabiq Da'esh 12
86 … the Rafidi Houthis and the murtadd regime forces together. And if matters carry on as they had in Sham, the common enemy between the Yemeni Qa'idah and the nationalist resistance will become the Khilafah. May Allah guide the soldiers in the ranks of … Dabiq Da'esh 12
87 … of Allah. But they have deviated and not found the correct path. Some of you fight us thinking we are a barbaric enemy against the Muslims. Others fight for the sake of the Dunya or a salary from the factions. Oth­ers fight out of pride … Dabiq Da'esh 12
88 … the cause of Allah, nor do they tread on any ground that enrages the disbelievers, nor do they afflict the enemy with anything except that is registered for them as a righteous deed} [At-Tawbah: 120]. A side of Abu Muharib that wasn't … Dabiq Da'esh 13
89 … predominant over His affair} [Yusuf: 21] and as such will support His slaves and grant them victory even over an enemy that is exponentially more powerful than they are. The odds mean nothing, for {Indeed, the plot of Shaytan has ever been … Dabiq Da'esh 13
90 … defeated enemy. It was resolved that our attentive nation must be intelligently alert for such deeds and acts done by the enemy and not allow anyone to ignite enmity, animosity, and division amongst our united nation whether based on sect, tribe, language, … Dabiq Da'esh 13
91 … thereby harming the unity of our nation in a manner that will only cast more oil on the fire the enemy has lit." "During the gathering, it was also emphasized that the enemy at critical moments like this before his imminent … Dabiq Da'esh 13
92 … only cast more oil on the fire the enemy has lit." "During the gathering, it was also emphasized that the enemy at critical moments like this before his imminent withdrawal will extend his hand, in accordance with his despicable habit to … Dabiq Da'esh 13
93 … seeds of hypocrisy and di­vision between the united Afghan nation so as to break up their unity. This is because the enemy has failed in achiev­ing all his schemes and conspiracies, so he wants to exploit this event as a bayonet by … Dabiq Da'esh 13
94 … national responsibility and coop­erate with each other to prevent any similar incidents, be­cause, like this incident, the acts of the enemy are against all citizens and harm our motherly Afghanistan. 3) The Islamic Emirate especially requests that all the scholars and prominent … Dabiq Da'esh 13
95 … [General Hamid Gul] played an important role in unifying the Taliban." And on the orders of these intelligence agencies, this enemy of Allah fights and kills the soldiers of the Wilayah, because the Wilayah is at war with the taghut of … Dabiq Da'esh 13
96 … have been the most apparent adversary of the Muslims for the past thousand years, one must never forget the original enemy of Islam and its nation. Shaytan, through his cunning and experi­ence with kufr, has always tried to infiltrate the Um­mah. By his … Dabiq Da'esh 14
97 … more harm from the [apostate] people than from those 3 In the time and place of Ibn Taymiyyah, the main enemy to the Muslims were from tribes of Turkic origin.who, when they do convert, submit to Islam and its laws, being … Dabiq Da'esh 14
98 … of the Qiblah as schools, groups, and individuals to coop­erate in resisting the invaders and waging jihad against the kafir enemy who invades the Muslims' lands. It calls everyone to abandon the calls to internal partisanship, which only benefit in these circumstanc­es … Dabiq Da'esh 14
99 … the Muslims' lands. It calls everyone to abandon the calls to internal partisanship, which only benefit in these circumstanc­es the kafir enemy invading the Muslims' lands" [Da'wat al-Muqawamah].3 3 This deviant, feeble stance towards the Rafidah propagated by Abu Mus'ab as-Suri is … Dabiq Da'esh 14
100 … prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows} [Al-Anfal: 60].The … Dabiq Da'esh 14
101 … are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows} [Al-Anfal: 60].The Ikhwan however say, "The Third … Dabiq Da'esh 14
102 … Taymiyyah r recount­ing the nature of the fitnah that gripped the Muslims and shook them to the core as the enemy marched closer and closer to Dimashq. The shaykh draws comparisons between the Battle of al-Ahzab in the time of the Prophet … Dabiq Da'esh 14
103 … situation with theirs. "Indeed, there has occurred in this fitnah - by which Allah has afflicted the Muslims with this invading enemy who is outside the fold of the Shari'ah of Islam - similar to what had occurred with the Mus­lims and … Dabiq Da'esh 14
104 … is outside the fold of the Shari'ah of Islam - similar to what had occurred with the Mus­lims and their enemy in the time of Allah's Messenger g ...Allah's covenants in His book and in the Sunnah of His Messenger encompass … Dabiq Da'esh 14
105 … [Al 'Imran: 155]. Allah c also said, {And Allah had certainly fulfilled His promise to you when you were killing the enemy by His permission until [the time] when you lost courage and fell to disputing about the order [given by the … Dabiq Da'esh 14
106 … {Why [is it that] when a [single] disaster struck you [on the day of Uhud], although you had struck [the enemy in the battle of Badr] with one twice as great, you said, 'From where is this?' Say, 'It is from … Dabiq Da'esh 14
107 … about Allah [various] assumptions. There the be­lievers were tested and shaken with a severe shaking} [Al-Ahzab: 10-11], and then states, "The enemy came from both sides of the elevated region of Sham ...So the people's eyes shifted in fear and their hearts … Dabiq Da'esh 14
108 … the greatness of the affliction, especially when the news spread that the Muslim army had left for Egypt and the enemy drew closer to Dimashq. The people had various presumptions about Allah. This one thought that no one from the army of Sham … Dabiq Da'esh 14
109 … the meaning is], 'You have no ability to fight, so consider being protected under their authority.' And likewise, when this enemy came, there were those from among the munafiqin who said, 'The Islamic state is no longer standing, so the appropriate … Dabiq Da'esh 14
110 … front in Bengal first before fully moving into Burma, as fighting the nearer murtaddin takes pre­cedence over fighting the farther enemy comprised of kuffar asli­yyin (non-apostate disbelievers). Allah c said, {O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the … Dabiq Da'esh 14
111 … in this life after him? Stand and die upon that for which Allah's Messenger .has died!" Then he faced the enemy and fought until he was killed (Sirat Ibn Hisham). This is the way of the muwahhidin in every time and place. Whenever … Rumiyah Da'esh 1
112 … neither steal from the war booty, nor commit treachery, nor mutilate a corpse, nor kill an infant. When you meet your enemy from the mushrikin, call them to three matters and accept whichever of them they agree to and withhold from fighting … Rumiyah Da'esh 1
113 … mujahidin with bay'ah to the Khalifah .as "just terror operations," "just" being the adjective form for justice. the striking of the enemy in war. However, any such squirms and discomforts are never an ex cuse for abandoning jihad, as the All-Knowing and Most … Rumiyah Da'esh 2
114 … they were to learn them, comprehend them, and maintain them as they should be maintained, there would never be an enemy that could stand against them" (I'lam al-Muwaqqi'in). And from the several causes for victory is tawhid. Allah .said, "And they will not … Rumiyah Da'esh 2
115 … with this mercy, and whoever opposed it and resisted was fought and dealt with using severe bru tality until this enemy submitted to the command of Allah. The Prophet's Sirah contains the best evidence of this. Following the Prophet's return from Badr, he … Rumiyah Da'esh 2
116 … then returned to the other side - to their original site. All of that occurred in a single day. They left no enemy alive, but managed to transport the [captive] women and children, livestock, and wealth along with them." This was how the … Rumiyah Da'esh 2
117 … alive, they would have responded!" But 'Umar was not able to contain himself, so he said, "You have lied, O enemy of Allah! Allah has kept for you what shall disgrace you!" Abu Sufyan said, "Hubal [an idol] is highest!" So … Rumiyah Da'esh 2
118 … Islam until they killed her" (As-Sirah). So her end was that of shahadah, after she was patient and steadfast, when the enemy of Allah - Abu Jahl (Ibn Hisham Ibn al-Mughirah al-Makhzumi) - pierced her with a spear, killing her. As for Asma, … Rumiyah Da'esh 2
119 … might succeed' (Al 'Imran 200). So if you wake up tomorrow morning in good health, then set out to fight your enemy with all discernment, seeking Allah's support against His enemies. Then when you have seen that the war has erupted in all … Rumiyah Da'esh 2
120 … little" (Al-Isra 76). Indeed, the beginning of our victory, as well as its greatest and most noble part, is when our enemy reaches his utmost extreme in mobilizing, forming parties, acting boastfully, and increasing his numbers, for at that point Allah defends … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
121 … mujahidin in particular, fear Allah, fear Allah concerning the religion of Allah. Beware of becoming weak in waging jihad against your enemy and repelling them, for indeed, this will undo the bonds of Islam and extinguish the light of truth. O muhajirin and … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
122 … those troops with you to fear Allah in all conditions, for indeed fearing Allah is the best weapon against the enemy and the strongest strategy of war. I command you and those with you to be more vigilant against committing sin than … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
123 … before them and do not act in disobedience to Allah while you are fighting for His cause. Do not say, 'Our enemy is worse than us, so they will never be given power over us, even if we were to sin,' for … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
124 … sins, reclaim it by repenting and fearing your Lord, for it is only right that you do so. Remember that your enemy is fighting for the cause of taghut, while you are fighting for Allah's cause. They are fighting for the sake of … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
125 … the insurmountable obstacle and solid rock upon which their resolve would break and by which their plans were ruined. Indeed, your enemy is hurt as you are hurt, but you can expect from Allah that for which they cannot hope. So beware of … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
126 … for which they cannot hope. So beware of leaving the scenes of your battle and positions of your ribat, as your enemy is on the verge of either leaving in fatigue or advancing towards his destruction. And we will not miss this opportunity … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
127 … the Protector and the Supporter! And our final call is that all praise belongs to Allah, Lord of creation. Stationed behind enemy lines, the just terror mujahid has at his disposal a multitude of weapons and techniques that he may employ at … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
128 … not enjoin upon you, O children of Adam, that you not worship Shaytan - [for] indeed, he is a clear enemy to you - and that you worship [only] Me? This is a straight path' (Yasin 60-61)." He then said, "For … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
129 … unit, placing the archers in a location from where they could watch their brothers' backs and defend them from any enemy attempt to encircle them or any potential advance on them. He said to the archers with complete clarity, "Watch our backs. If … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
130 … steadfastness during the dilemma. What is most amazing is that some emirs of jihad elsewhere, when the battle intensifies and the enemy overtakes his area and starts killing his troops, he hides away, does not contact any of his troops, and changes … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
131 … Ashrat as-Sa'ah" (The Book of Ordeals and the Portents of the Hour) in "Sahih Muslim." descend and lead them. When the enemy of Allah sees him, he will dissolve just as salt dissolves in water. If 'Isa were to leave him, the Dajjal … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
132 … be established until the people stop dividing inheritance and rejoicing over ghanimah." Then he said, while pointing towards Sham, "An enemy will muster strength against the Muslims and the Muslims will muster strength against them." Yusayr Ibn Jabir asked him, "You … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
133 … it is the fourth day, the remaining Muslims will rise and advance towards them, and Allah will decree that the enemy be defeated. They will fight a battle the likes of which will never be seen [or 'which has never been seen'], … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
134 … Malik). The Prophet . said, "You will have a treaty of security with the Romans and then you both will fight an enemy beyond [both of] you. You will be victorious, acquire ghanimah, not suffer any losses, settle, and then depart. ThereafCrusaders ter, you will … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
135 … thereby each of the two nations will free itself up to fight a common enemy. Following the mujahidin's victory over the enemy beyond them, the two armies of the treaty will camp in the pasturelands filled with rocky mounds, the pasturelands being … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
136 … such people, the religion would have become corrupted. Its corruption thereby is far worse than the corruption caused by a war-waging enemy seizing the land. This is because when the enemy seizes the land, they do not corrupt the Muslims' hearts or the … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
137 … corruption thereby is far worse than the corruption caused by a war-waging enemy seizing the land. This is because when the enemy seizes the land, they do not corrupt the Muslims' hearts or the religion contained therein, except as an eventual consequence. As … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
138 … when the mushrikin surrounded Madinah in a severe siege, and hunger, thirst, and fear intensified for the Muslims, and their enemy came at them from above them and from beneath them and the people's hearts reached their throats, the Prophet . humbly … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
139 … or have prayed, so send down upon us tranquility, and make our feet firm if we encounter [the enemy]. Indeed, the enemy has transgressed against us. If they want to battle, we will refuse to flee" (Reported by al-Bukhari). And from his du'a during … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
140 … mushrik soldiers, as mentioned in Surat al-Baqarah. And it was the first thing that Allah's Messenger . would resort to if the enemy assaulted the Muslims or if the ranks of the Muslims clashed with the ranks of the mushrikin. Likewise were the Sahabah … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
141 … strength. Then, it would not be long before Allah would make them steadfast, send tranquility down upon them, and make their enemy despair, casting fear into their hearts and driving them away defeated. The noble companion, Nu'man Ibn Muqrin, was sent by 'Umar … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
142 … Turks in 119 AH, he led the Fajr prayer in the Muslim encampment and then addressed them, saying, "Indeed, the enemy of Allah, Harith Ibn Surayj [one of those who rebelled against Bani Umayyah during the rule of Hisham Ibn 'Abdil-Malik] … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
143 … all fronts for the rest of the day. The Indians were defeated, the Muslims were victorious, and they seized what the enemy brought of wealth and elephants." Some historians mention that one of the kings of India made an offer to the … Rumiyah Da'esh 3
144 … sun rises from the west''" (Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, and ad-Darimi).Yes, hijrah will not cease as long as the enemy - the kuffar and the murtaddin - are fought, whether that means the fight is in Iraq or Sham, or … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
145 … crossed, the muhajir will strive to obtain the good reward and pleasure of Allah. He will wage jihad against his greatest enemy (Shaytan), who stands in his way to a land in which he can live as a muwahhid mujahid, dignified and … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
146 … to some chiefs of Bani 'Abs, "With what did you fight people?" They replied, "With patience. We did not encounter any enemy except by facing them with patience as they faced us." Some of the Salaf also said, "All of us dislike … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
147 … their animosity and thirst for vengeance, seeking to seize Tal'afar and inflict harm on Ahlus-Sunnah therein. Thus, do not let the enemy of Allah catch his breath or fortify his defenses. Set up ambushes. Be relentless in the fight and be severe in combat. Do … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
148 … supporters who forsook it.Always remember the statement of Allah ., "O you believe, when you encounter a company [from the enemy forces], stand firm and remember Allah much that you may be successful. And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
149 … for you and woe to a slave who desires something else instead: A land ruled by Allah's Shari'ah, an invading enemy whom there is nothing as obligatory as fighting after having iman, and martyrdom that the truthful have sought after for … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
150 … Nusayriyyah, through your courage and your undertaking of sacrifice for your religion with honor and steadfastness. Thus, be patient, outlast your enemy in perseverance, and fear Allah, that you might be successful. Indeed, the Turkish apostate descendants of the killers of the muwahiddin … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
151 … and legendary myths. Why do you look arrogant and act proud? Is it because you repelled the aggression of a cruel enemy who has attacked the lands and reached a stone's throw from Makkah and Madinah? Or is it because of extra … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
152 … what the munafiq who delays waging jihad would say, 'then, if a disaster strikes you,' meaning death, shahadah, or the enemy overcoming you, all by Allah's wisdom, 'he says, 'Indeed Allah has blessed me, since I was not present with them,'' … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
153 … the slave has nothing to account for" (Reported by Ahmad from Nu'aym Ibn Hammar).Considering the danger of retreating before the enemy and fleeing out of fear of death, and what that entails of disrupting the Muslim row and being a cause … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
154 … fleeing out of fear of death, and what that entails of disrupting the Muslim row and being a cause for enemy victory, Allah . warned His believing slaves of this sin, which results in Allah's wrath upon the perpetrator and causes him … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
155 … its parts, the action of the Sahabah . was to give bay'ah (a pledge) to be patient during encounters with the enemy and to be steadfast in battle until they were to be killed or granted victory by Allah. There is much evidence … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
156 … of all of the reports is that to pledge to not flee means to have patience until we defeat our enemy or we are killed - and that is the meaning of pledging to die, i.e. we remain steadfast, even if that … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
157 … greater crime to do so in hard times for the mujahidin, when the ranks line up to fight, when the enemy nears, or during combat itself.So each Muslim must be careful in fulfilling his covenant to Allah by being steadfast, in … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
158 … knowledge. From among those means are patience and steadfastness. Allah . said, "O you who believe, when you encounter a company [from the enemy forces], stand firm and remember Allah much that you may be successful" (Al-Anfal 45). He . also mentioned that a small, patient … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
159 … was killed...And Abu Hudhayfah said, 'O, people of the Quran, adorn the Quran with deeds!' And Khalid charged against the enemy until the Muslims repelled them further back than they had previously been."The two sides were patient and there was much … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
160 … the harshest of conditions, for they couldn't sleep and they had to rise once more at sunrise to face their enemy and pull themselves together despite what had afflicted them. Ibnul-Athir said, "So al-Qa'qa' went among the fighters and said, 'Indeed, today, … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
161 … comes through patience." It wasn't but a few hours after this that Allah . sent down His victory and defeated His enemy after the Muslims had sacrificed what they'd sacrificed and remained patient in the face of the army of an empire … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
162 … in Mosul, Halab, Sirte, and other wilayat of the Islamic State, you must be patient, and you must surpass the enemy in patience. Indeed, victory requires but an hour of patience.ArticleAllah's Messenger . said, "The best of my ummah is the generation in … Rumiyah Da'esh 4
163 … conducting raids is to start during the night or at the break of dawn, before the sun rises, while the enemy is asleep. At such a time, it is very likely to enter buildings where no light shines and an adult male … Rumiyah Da'esh 5
164 … this, it is said that his own raids and his command to perform raids proves this. As those who raid the enemy cannot avoid striking the women and children. And his saying, 'they are from them,' means that there is no kaffarah [expiation] … Rumiyah Da'esh 5
165 … is supported by the opinion of the majority of scholars, who hold the ruling on using fire against the unsubdued enemy to be like that on killing the enemy's women and children collaterally by way of catapults, night raids, etc., which … Rumiyah Da'esh 5
166 … cause of Allah, nor do they tread on any ground that enrages the kuffar, nor do they inflict upon an enemy any harm but that is registered for them as a righteous deed. Indeed, Allah does not allow the reward of good … Rumiyah Da'esh 5
167 … the most significant being the protection of the mujahid's life - which is the dearest thing to us - against enemy bullets and bomb fragments.A second benefit is the securing of the mujahid from being injured in critical areas, which would … Rumiyah Da'esh 5
168 … the mujahid is thereby aided in reaching the points closest to the enemy. This especially applies to the heroes who storm enemy positions and the lions of istishhadi operations.A final benefit to note is that we are not more courageous than Allah's … Rumiyah Da'esh 5
169 … for sowing seeds" (Al-Baqarah 223) because they produce progeny. Destroying the "land" and its "crops" is the policy of a spiteful enemy who seeks 34Sistersto eradicate "La ilaha illallah" from the earth. But it is impossible for him to do so, as the … Rumiyah Da'esh 5
170 … raised.As for the policy of birth control, it is a disease that was injected into our fertile ummah by the enemy in order to decrease the Muslim population and weaken its strength. The Prophet . ordered to increase the Muslims' numbers, as Ma'qil … Rumiyah Da'esh 5
171 … determined on the Day of Badr, and the Prophet g told his companions that it would come and that the enemy would fall, what led to that was the Prophet g seeking help and making du'a" (Majmu' al-Fatawa).This is Allah's Messenger … Rumiyah Da'esh 6
172 … g seeking help and making du'a" (Majmu' al-Fatawa).This is Allah's Messenger g who, when he saw the multitudes of his enemy and their strength, as well as the scarcity of his companions and their weakness, resorted to the only one in … Rumiyah Da'esh 6
173 … destruction of a Russian helicopter, and all praise is due to Allah.Question: What were the numbers and positions of the enemy in and around Tadmur prior to the conquest?Answer: The Nusayri regime and those who support it, the Russian forces and … Rumiyah Da'esh 6
174 … - and march forward, for the Muslims are now a target in front of their enemy!' They then pushed the enemy into the garden and the fighters were mixed together and were exchanging blows." Ibn 'Umar said, "So I looked at … Rumiyah Da'esh 6
175 … and said, 'O Abu 'Aqil!' He said, 'At your service,' in a confused manner. 'Who was defeated?' I said, 'Rejoice, the enemy of Allah has been killed.' So he lifted his finger towards the sky praising Allah and then died - may … Rumiyah Da'esh 6
176 … "Prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you … Rumiyah Da'esh 7
177 … are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of … Rumiyah Da'esh 7
178 … with this divine command. They prepared as much as Allah has made possible for them, a good amount of which the enemy has seen, and what is coming is more severe and bitter, by Allah's permission. However, a muwahhid Muslim should not rely … Rumiyah Da'esh 7
179 … mujahid must connect his heart to Allah intention and heart is harsher and more dangerous to him than facing the enemy hordes, no matter their size, and enemy aircraft, no matter their numbers and strikes. Therefore, he should take great care of … Rumiyah Da'esh 7
180 … intention and heart is harsher and more dangerous to him than facing the enemy hordes, no matter their size, and enemy aircraft, no matter their numbers and strikes. Therefore, he should take great care of his heart. He should be wary of Iblis … Rumiyah Da'esh 7
181 … they, for they themselves didn't know what the nullifiers of Islam were or what they included. There is not a single enemy which the Islamic State is fighting that is free of kufr. Those factions that it wages war against have committed at … Rumiyah Da'esh 7
182 … ilaha illallah" is a fortress. But they erected against it the catapult of denial, casting the stones of ruin. So when the enemy entered, they took away its meaning and left its mere image. The hadith also says, "Indeed, Allah does not look to … Rumiyah Da'esh 7
183 … acquire weapons and learn methods of war. They are living in a place where they can cause great harm to the enemy and where they can support the Messenger of Allah ". There is no meaning in life if the Messenger of Allah … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
184 … tor ious. On that day what wi l l we say? Can I make an e"ective bomb that causes damage to the enemy from ingredients available in any kitchen in the world? The answer is yes. But before how, we ask why? It is … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
185 … then all what you have to do is enter your kitchen and make an explosive device that would damage the enemy if you put your trust in Allah ! and then use this explosive device properly. Here are the main qualities of … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
186 … of this bomb: Its ingredients are readily available. Buying these ingredients does not raise suspicion. It is easily disposed of if the enemy searches your home. Sni&ng dogs are not trained to recognize them as bomb making ingredients. In one or two days the bomb … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
187 … messages, you need to #rst check if your copy of the Asrar program is legit or not. This is because the enemy has created an Asrar program identical to what the brothers created; the only di"erence is that the enemy had built … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
188 … because the enemy has created an Asrar program identical to what the brothers created; the only di"erence is that the enemy had built in a mechanism that would allow them to spy on your program if they were to just have … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
189 … Asrar program is available on the hard drive and you access the Internet with that computer, it's possible that the enemy will use spy programs to in#ltrate your computer and #gure out your password for your private key by recording your … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
190 … the Israeli border. - The single operations during the Gulf War... and the list is long... And the summary: 1. Military success; making the enemy tremble. 2. Security success; because these are operations that do not lead to the failure of establishing new cells [in the future]. 3. Da`wah … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
191 … program. 5. Political failure; due to the absence of a program that could transform it into a phenomenon. Result: Success in confusing the enemy and activating the Islamic ummah. So, we have arrived at the discussion of these three schools, in our search for the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
192 … of security, their cells were exposed and disbanded, and the attempts to build them were aborted. The security system of the enemy reached a level where even attempts to build cells were subjected to abortive strikes, before they were founded, or at … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
193 … commands the Muslims, if in a state of strength, to not retreat if one Muslim is facing ten of the enemy and in the state of weakness one Muslim should not retreat in the face of two from the enemy. The second … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
194 … "Jihad is life since it is the cause of life. This is because if you do not attack the enemy, the enemy would attack you, and that would lead to your demise and death. Additionally, death in jihad leads to the eternal life." … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
195 … right from wrong, good from evil. The sixth call: (O you who have believed, when you encounter a company [from the enemy forces], stand "rm and remember Allah much that you may be successful. And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
196 … and they did just that. One day, the taliban were strategically retreating from this mountain during a battle. We then saw the enemy coming towards it. We had only one tank on top which had a single shell that was weak. So we pushed the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
197 … shell that was weak. So we pushed the shell into locking position repeating, "Bismillah, AllahuAkbar," and eventually we shot the enemy. The enemy thought that our reinforcements came, and so they retreated. This was a mercy from Allah ! as the enemy was coming … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
198 … the enemy. The enemy thought that our reinforcements came, and so they retreated. This was a mercy from Allah ! as the enemy was coming full-force up the mountain with both light and heavy weapons. I and many other mujahidin remained on this mountain, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
199 … mountain, however, by Allah's grace, we sat for a week; we had a variety of weapons readily available during riba&. The enemy was about one kilometre from us; the fighting died down because of the snow. We remained patient and waited for the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
200 … was reminiscent of the old days of shepherding. When we reached the place, we were next to a small river; the enemy was able to see us from the larger river close by, so we set camp further down the small river. This … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
201 … small river. This camp was the reinforcement. We were extremely dusty from the trip so we jumped in the river to swim. The enemy saw us and started shooting mortar rounds at us. There were three bases that we had; each base was two hundred … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
202 … had; each base was two hundred meters apart. There were many spies in the area with walkie-talkies who were directing the enemy artilleries to our base. Alhamdullilah, the taliban saw them and arrested a number of them. The actual battle was on top of … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
203 … of a small hill near a waterfall. The taliban retreated strategically and the muhajirin took their place. When the fighting started, the enemy had three tanks, large mortar rounds, and 12.7mm machine guns. One brother was martyred at the very beginning of the confrontation. The … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
204 … the very beginning of the confrontation. The taliban had one tank set up for us. Our tank was very high whereas the enemy tanks were all below us in separate places. On one of the days of battle, we destroyed a tank near the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
205 … for a martyrdom operation - and Shaykh Abu Umamah came to see us to assess what we needed. After fajr, the enemy started to shoot at us with all weapons, with full power. Everyone took their positions to get ready for the enemy's … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
206 … weapons, with full power. Everyone took their positions to get ready for the enemy's advance. We successfully defended our position and the enemy had retreated. It was a war mortars and missiles more than anything else. One new brother, Abu `Ali al-Pakistani, gave his friend … Inspire al-Qa'idah 1
207 … of Open Fronts is that there are mujahidun forces whose presence is overt and linked to permanent bases. They fight the enemy forces on open battle lines, or they fight a guerilla war from those #xed positions. I will illustrate this with some … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
208 … with previous methods. Some points are: 1. Overwhelming military success: This in spite of the enormous di"erence between the mujahidun and the enemy in equipment, weapons, technology and all material balances. In the #rst experience, the Afghani mujahidun, and the Arab and Muslim mujahidun … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
209 … mujahidun proved that on the #elds of overt confrontation, they are exceptional fighters. The imbalance [of power] between them and the enemy did not stand as an obstacle for them or for the victories. 2. Structural security success: Considering that the confrontations were overt, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
210 … him as a model. By contrast, the jihad on the Fronts provided all of this...but unfortunately, the leaders who were the enemy and to establish Islamic rule. In the #rst Afghani experience, the success was complete...After passing through trials and tribulations, the jihad … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
211 … attention to an important matter, and that is the necessity of planting the idea of globalizing jihad in all #elds. The enemy has forced us to do so, and the conditions help us to move in that direction, in accordance with our … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
212 … us all on one map, which includes the same area, and its political name is ‘the Greater Middle East'. Hence, the enemy has globalized our cause by his attack on us, walhamdullilah. This helps those who are not supported by belief and understanding, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
213 … takes place on a global and universal horizon. The horizons for this operational activity open up regardless of borders and countries. The enemy occupies Iraq and we fight there, the same in Palestine now...It became a duty for the mujahidun in Tunisia, or … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
214 … jihad of individual or cell terrorism, using the methods of urban or rural guerilla warfare, is fundamental for exhausting the enemy and causing him to collapse and withdraw, Allah willing. The Open Front Jihad is fundamental for seizing control over land in … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
215 … {And prepare for them what you can of strength and steeds of war that you may terrorize with it the enemy of Allah and your enemy} [al-Anfal: 60] We say that whoever terrorizes us, we will terrorize them and we will … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
216 … that Ariel Sharon unilaterally pulled out all Jewish settlements in Gaza. The strategy of the Palestinian resistance succeeded in exhausting the enemy and forcing it into giving concessions. It was not until internal di"erences within the Palestinian rank that the tide turned again … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
217 … transported me from Quetta Airport to Qandahar and then to Cuba. The treatment of the Americans was the treatment of an enemy to an enemy and this is natural but what I did not expect is to #nd the Americans to be … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
218 … Quetta Airport to Qandahar and then to Cuba. The treatment of the Americans was the treatment of an enemy to an enemy and this is natural but what I did not expect is to #nd the Americans to be a people without … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
219 … world. It's just absolutely enthralling to know that guerrilla's can fight o" global superpowers with the bare minimum resulting in great enemy losses, drainage of the enemy's economy and a rising popular support for the mujahidin. After some time passed in the company … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
220 … of them recovering that #le. The Asrar program has a feature for permanently deleting your #les, making it harder for the enemy to retrieve them. Click on 'File Shredder' on the left menu. From here, the process is simple. In Figure 1.3 you will see … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
221 … enemies were strong and had the upper hand. At such times, when the believers felt surrounded by their enemy, when the enemy was stronger than them in numbers and weaponry and when the enemy seemed to be in control of the land, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
222 … believers felt surrounded by their enemy, when the enemy was stronger than them in numbers and weaponry and when the enemy seemed to be in control of the land, at times like these, Allah tells the believers that no matter how … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
223 … be in control of the land, at times like these, Allah tells the believers that no matter how strong the enemy is, no matter how much they appear to be in control of the earth, there is no place for them … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
224 … a bubble. Mother, I can't let this humiliation continue, Allowing the disbelievers to rape our Nation in the holiest of venues. The enemy will shout, yell and scream But I will continue to let my heart beam For I have put my worries … Inspire al-Qa'idah 2
225 … two explosive packages, one was sent through UPS, and the other through FedEx. We would like to ask: Why didn't the enemy reveal the truth about what happened with the downed UPS plane? Is it because the enemy could not discover why … Inspire al-Qa'idah 3
226 … ask: Why didn't the enemy reveal the truth about what happened with the downed UPS plane? Is it because the enemy could not discover why the plane was brought down? Or was it because the Obama administration wanted to conceal the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 3
227 … prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you … Inspire al-Qa'idah 3
228 … are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of … Inspire al-Qa'idah 3
229 … be to Allah and may the peace and blessings be on His Messenger. The most important aspect of preparing for the enemy is having the proper creed. All victory is from Allah and thus we need to have true faith in Him. After that … Inspire al-Qa'idah 3
230 … toner must be placed back in its place otherwise the printer door would remain open. With all the intelligence information the enemy had, they could not detect the explosives even though the printers were inspected twice in the UK. They only discovered the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 3
231 … other Western countries billions of dollars in new security measures. That is what we call leverage. A $4,200 operation will cost our enemy billions of dollars. In terms of time and effort, three months of work for a team of less than six brothers … Inspire al-Qa'idah 3
232 … all in this stage if they are intercepted. It is such a good bargain for us to spread fear amongst the enemy and keep him on his toes in exchange of a few months of work and a few thousand bucks. We would … Inspire al-Qa'idah 3
233 … classical scholars on the subject of defensive jihad (jihad ad-daf'); that is, what is the Islamic response when a foreign enemy attacks a Muslim country, even as much as a hand span. It cited these classical scholars as saying that it !rst … Inspire al-Qa'idah 4
234 … without the permission of the ruler. Later, other scholars2 have widened that scope of refutation to include excuses such as the enemy is superior in strength and numbers, the issue of the governments in the Muslim lands who have supposed ‘covenants' with … Inspire al-Qa'idah 4
235 … he were to become a Christian, or spy on the Muslims for the disbelievers, or join the ranks of the enemy to !ght the Muslims and such, he would have committed major disbelief (kufr akbar) as is recognized by our classical … Inspire al-Qa'idah 4
236 … there were no deals between the two states nor any greedy interests involved. That was the jihad against the Soviets; the enemy whom nearly the entire world despised. But when jihad turned against America for its crimes against the Muslim world, the Saudi's … Inspire al-Qa'idah 4
237 … is the will power to kill the disbelievers the same way it took Muhammad to assassinate the "bin Maslamah enemy of Allah. She did not throw away her life for nothing as the enemies of Allah have suggested. Rather, she has helped … Inspire al-Qa'idah 4
238 … He gives it to His servants when He wishes. The ansari said: Then what is the bene%t of preparing for the enemy if all what one should desire is to die in the path of Allah? The muhajir replied: I do not … Inspire al-Qa'idah 4
239 … prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy} [8: 60]. But the mujahid should be taught these meanings like the Messenger of Allah ! … Inspire al-Qa'idah 4
240 … into groups such as gathering information, reconnaissance, ambushes, assassinations, reinforcement and so on. When everything was ready, we heard that the enemy wanted to enter Mudiah where at that time the mujahidun were controlling. {But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 4
241 … to relax that night. Then one of the brothers advised us not sleep in that house because, "as we know, the enemy of Allah had huge losses and they might take revenge by bombing the mujahidin homes." We agreed and left the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 4
242 … jihad of individual or cell terrorism, using the methods of urban or rural guerilla warfare, is fundamental for exhausting the enemy and causing him to collapse and withdraw, Allah willing. The Open Front Jihad is fundamental for seizing control over land in … Inspire al-Qa'idah 4
243 … terms of area. 2. Varied, and with long borders. 3. Di!cult to siege. 4. Contain partially rough mountainous terrain, forests or similar, which helps in concentrating enemy troops, and in confronting the forces advancing on the ground. It is best to have tree-covered mountains. 5. It is also a requirement … Inspire al-Qa'idah 4
244 … who are informed about the reality of the battle. This stands in contrary to those who estimate the strength of the enemy but they have not entered the battle themselves and rather, might be deceived by the strength of the enemy that … Inspire al-Qa'idah 4
245 … the enemy but they have not entered the battle themselves and rather, might be deceived by the strength of the enemy that is projected through the media. Upon the ‘ulema is consultation with the mujahidin in this injunction because they are the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 4
246 … disbelief of the Jews, Christians and Apostates; and declares bara'ah (disavowal) from them and who put between themselves and the enemy the sword, killing from them and being killed? Is this hadith applicable to those who stand up for jihad when … Inspire al-Qa'idah 4
247 … mall. Targets of greater di%culty, like the stock market, well-guarded individuals or intelligence agencies, will naturally require you to scout the enemy and area of attack thoroughly such as his movements, the cameras, security guards, secondary exits and so on. One of the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
248 … arrests in the West for homegrown jihadi operations. Most of those arrested were arrested in groups, one connected to another. Sometimes the enemy would even set up the brother in a sting operation, fooling him into believing that he was working with the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
249 … and paying attention to your groups' actions or that the person you are talking to might be working for the enemy or that he might be pressured at a later period to give information to them. With lone operations however, as long … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
250 … each path there is a shay calling to it."Then . And thus we have made he recited: for every prophet an enemy - devils from mankind and jinn, inspiring to one another decorative speech in delusion. But if your Lord had willed, they … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
251 … rights are taken away thereupon the mujahidin go to repel the oppressor away from the oppressed, encourage people against their enemy andthem to take their rights with their own hands. Thus this is the least obligation towards the oppressed. . said: "W hoever The … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
252 … frightened, and deterred from attacking, without you even knowing about their determination to attack. But Allah knew it, and deterred the enemy through your preparation and through your terror against the assailant enemies of Allah. Allah the Almighty knows everything. Thus, and in short: … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
253 … this it follows that terrorism has been commanded in Allah's book, and in situations where the mujahidun are repelling their enemy and the enemy's terror through a defensive jihad. This is one of the most important religious duties. In fact, there is no … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
254 … individual jihad: "The Islamic Nation is vast and so are the arenas in which targets and interests of the invader enemy are present. It is furthermore impossible for all the youth who want to participate in the Resistance to travel to the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
255 … knows that the rewards await him in a better life. Today your people have found themselves in a new dilemma. Sure, the enemy may have left the seat of authority, but you now are faced with a complex interconnection between what is democratically … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
256 … on quietly. At the same time, it will contradict the fundaments of Islamic law which is that peace treaties with an enemy whom it is individually obligatory (far" ‘ayn) to repel are null and void. The one in that position to make such … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
257 … mujahidin. She was washing their clothes, giving them water and cooking for them. The actual battle began on the 12th when the enemy launched random bombing in that morning but praise be to Allah that the broth ers were standing by in the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
258 … switched their strategy to bombarding at night and moving inside during the daytime. At daytime, the brothers were engaging with the enemy and elimi nating large numbers on the ground and most of the was taking place in the districts of … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
259 … of Allah which He bestows on whom He wills. Now let me relate some of the stories of with the enemy and the miracles There was a brother named Abu az-Zubair as-Sana'ani. He was killed at the beginning days of the battle. We … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
260 … to stay inside a trench to keep an eye on the front lines. On the second day when he saw the enemy break ing through, he jumped out and got ready to strike them with an RPG but before he could … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
261 … all praise be to Allah, it started drizzling all of a sudden, and then the brothers were strengthened and encouraged. The enemy was "eeing so we did not know whether they "ed because of the brothers or because they saw something … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
262 … "eeing so we did not know whether they "ed because of the brothers or because they saw something else. The enemy acted as though they had been frightened by something. The broth ers only numbered six. The enemy was massive as they were … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
263 … because they saw something else. The enemy acted as though they had been frightened by something. The broth ers only numbered six. The enemy was massive as they were accompanied by tank corps and armoured ve hicles but their withdrawal was bizarre. At that time … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
264 … armoured vehicle, hammers and helicopters which were de stroyed and burnt up. The war spoils that the brothers took o! the enemy were abundant. Sometimes they would take whole Lorries of supplies such as mineral water, canned food like tuna, cheese and cream. I … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
265 … he can't move freely throughout the land because the ruler is looking for him. Many people of his tribe are an enemy to him and it is even possible that he enmity from his family's side. He is accused of having a … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
266 … holders of hot coals" for this hadith is strengthening the hadith of the strangers. Consequently the mujahidin's supporters decreased and their enemy was strengthened, and their enemies are the Jews, Christians, and their tails as well as the government scholars. Also, the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 5
267 … we shall demonstrate. This is another subject by itself and its ruling is clear to those who know about supporting the enemy kuffâr against the Muslims in word and opinion. It is true that the issue of niqâb has been a long-time debated … Inspire al-Qa'idah 6
268 … some kind of activity, without being required to commit themselves to membership responsibilities of a centralized organization. 3. The presence of the enemy over a wide area, the increased diversity of his goals, and his presence in many spots, makes it harder for … Inspire al-Qa'idah 6
269 … and it also makes it harder to establish centralized organizations. 4. Decline of the idea of the Open Fronts and confronting the enemy from permanent positions, as a result of the enemy's use of the strategy of decisive air attacks with devastating rocket … Inspire al-Qa'idah 6
270 … were his brothers would have to restrain him and hold him back against his will. He had no fear of the enemy and eagerly wanted to die in the path of Allah.He got what he desired. While fighting in Abyan, his vehicle was … Inspire al-Qa'idah 6
271 … of the grenade launcher, mortar, or anti-aircraft machine gun was crying for help.He was given the responsibility of weakening the enemy in the area surrounding Zinjibar as a preparation for the storming of the city. He would pound the enemy with mortars, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 6
272 … weakening the enemy in the area surrounding Zinjibar as a preparation for the storming of the city. He would pound the enemy with mortars, shower them with machine gun fire, and slam them with RPGs, going out in four or five operations … Inspire al-Qa'idah 6
273 … fashion. In fact this is the second time in the history of the modern jihad in the Arabian Peninsula where the enemy was beheaded in revenge for killing a brother; the first instance was in revenge for Shaykh Yusuf bin Saleh al-‘Uyayri, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 6
274 … al-‘Uyayri, may Allah have mercy upon him. So look my dear brothers! This is how much the mujahidin loved Fawaz; the enemy of Allah that killed him deserved punishment in this world and we ask Allah that he receives a greater one … Inspire al-Qa'idah 6
275 … and pointed their weapons at the road. They remembered Allah and waited patiently. After a long time passed, they realized that the enemy changed his route. The brothers returned back to base. When Abu Hatim told me this event, we laughed together. It was the qadr … Inspire al-Qa'idah 6
276 … from them reach to the levels of `adâwah and barâ'ah of al Qaeda? The answer is no, and the American enemy testifies that the harshest of those who act hostilely towards them from among the Muslims is al Qaeda. Obama proclaimed that … Inspire al-Qa'idah 6
277 … cause of Allah, nor do they tread on any ground that enrages the disbelievers, nor do they inflict upon an enemy any infliction but that it is registered for them as a righteous deed. Indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost … Inspire al-Qa'idah 6
278 … "And the meaning of the hadith is that if people abandon jihad and engage in farming or such then the enemy will consequently hold sway over them because of their lack of readiness and preparation to confront overwhelming times. It is also … Inspire al-Qa'idah 6
279 … with the affairs of the dunyâ which diverts one from it will consequently lead to the dominance of the disbelieving enemy which imposes its mastery over the land of the Muslims. It also leads to the implementation of their blasphemous man-made rulings … Inspire al-Qa'idah 6
280 … the most cowardly at the time of encounter. It became clear to us through our resistance and fighting against the American enemy that it mainly depends on psychological warfare. That's because it possesses vast propaganda tools, and uses intensive air force bombing which … Inspire al-Qa'idah 7
281 … which could be fiercer than the security and military ones."MICHAEL SCHEUER, CIA 1982-2004 (al-Jazeera): "Our political leaders are still fighting an enemy that doesn't exist. They think, in a rather racist way, that the Muslim world is mad at Americans because we have … Inspire al-Qa'idah 7
282 … how big the intelligence community gets in the United States, as long as U.S. foreign policy remains what it is, the enemy will continue to grow in numbers and probably lethality. [...] If you listen to President Obama or former President Bush, it's … Inspire al-Qa'idah 7
283 … the carpet from the tyrants, and the growing anti-American anti-Western sentiments, the ideology of Islam can only flourish. Too bad our enemy and many of the independent media giants equate al Qaeda's ideology with only and only terrorism; by forgetting the fact … Inspire al-Qa'idah 7
284 … operations are the greatest operation in the history of mankind. Nineteen mujahidin succeeded in inflicting human and financial losses against the enemy in a way that was unprecedented. Ten years on we look into some of the direct and indirect consequences of this … Inspire al-Qa'idah 7
285 … him. HISTORY & STRATEGYThe Islamic ummah is vast and so are the arenas in which targets and interests of the invader enemy are present. It is furthermore impossible for all the youth who want to participate in the Resistance to travel to the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
286 … of arenas in which we must strike the enemy, the list of priority arenas is as follows:A. Wherever you hurt the enemy the most and inflict upon him the heaviest losses.B. Wherever you arouse Muslims the most and awaken the spirit of jihad … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
287 … transportation between the two. The Muslims in those countries are like Muslims everywhere; the religious duty of jihad, of repelling the enemy and resisting him, rests on their shoulders in exactly the same way as for Muslims in their own countries [i.e., … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
288 … blood money should be paid. • Non-combatants should not be executed if they fall into captivity. • Islam does not allow the enemy to use our rules against us and to use our rules to our disadvantage. • The consideration of the continuation of … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
289 … Sahîh.advantage compared to their enemy. To properly understand this issue let's look at the statements of the scholars regarding attacking the enemy in their dwellings and laying siege to their towns. During the time of the Messenger of Allah ... there was a form … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
290 … their towns. During the time of the Messenger of Allah ... there was a form of fighting called bayat. This is when the enemy would be attacked at night under the cover of darkness. The attackers would ambush the enemy in their tents and houses … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
291 … called bayat. This is when the enemy would be attacked at night under the cover of darkness. The attackers would ambush the enemy in their tents and houses and engage them in fighting. This would lead to the deaths of men, women and children … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
292 … missiles against the city and did not distinguish between man, woman or child. The ruling on using the mangonel against the enemy is summarized by Ibn Rushd who states that: "It is the consensus of the jurists that it is allowed to … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
293 … inevitably lead to the deaths of non-combatants. 8 Al-Umm. 7 Ibid. Notice that I haven't even brought up the evidence of treating the enemy as they treat us. With all the aggression the West is committing against the Muslims this additional evidence leaves no room … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
294 … al-.âlibîn.them. It is also because if the Muslims seize attacking them this would lead to the disablement of jihad since the enemy would use this shield to protect themselves whenever they feel threatened by the Muslims. It is allowed to strike against them … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
295 … by Ali bin Abi Talib that the Prophet ... set up the mangonel against the people of al-Taif; and flooding the enemy with water is similar to that. If there are Muslims among them and we can conquer the enemy without using such … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
296 … and flooding the enemy with water is similar to that. If there are Muslims among them and we can conquer the enemy without using such methods, then we shouldn't because it would lead to the shedding of blood without any necessity but … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
297 … if followed would make jihad impossible or at least put the Muslims in a position of disadvantage compared to an enemy who has no morals when it comes to its war against Islam. Some of the restrictions placed on jihad by some … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
298 … is strongly recommended 14 The scholars are using the (authentic) evidence that the Prophet ... banned the use of punishing the enemy with fire.due to its great effect on the enemy. Regarding the importance and permissibility of using such weapons, the classical scholars … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
299 … the catapult on al-Taif when he laid siege to it following the opening of Makkah. It is allowed to attack the enemy (in the place where they live such as their cities or villages) when they are not aware, like what the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
300 … would be fulfilling the commands (of Allah) and would not fall under disobeying (of Allah). All of this also damages the enemy and that is a way to obtain rewards. Allah says: .Nor do they inflict any injury upon an enemy but is … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
301 … damages the enemy and that is a way to obtain rewards. Allah says: .Nor do they inflict any injury upon an enemy but is written to their credit as a deed of righteousness . [9: 120]. None of the mentioned (methods of war) are prohibited … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
302 … of subjugating the disbelievers and whatever is not possible to avoid is forgiven." - Imam Ibn Farhoon (a Maliki scholar): "The enemy is fought in every way, and with fire if there is no other means if we fear harm from them. If … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
303 … with the mangonel even if Muslims are therein."16 - Imam al-Kharshi (a Maliki scholar): "It is allowed to fight the enemy if they do not respond to what we call them to with all forms of war. It is al 16 Tabsirât al-Hukâm.lowed … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
304 … sword, a stab from a lance, a missile from a mangonel or other weapons of war."17 - Imam al-Shafi'i: "If the enemy protects himself in a mountain, a fortress, a trench, with thorn trees, or with any form of protection it is … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
305 … greatest deeds a Muslim can worship Allah with in our day and time. 20 Al-Sayl al-Jarrâr. "All of this also damages the enemy and that is a way to obtain rewards. Allah says: .Nor do they inflict any injury upon an enemy but is … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
306 … damages the enemy and that is a way to obtain rewards. Allah says: .Nor do they inflict any injury upon an enemy but is written to their credit as a deed of righteousness. [9: 120]." - Imam al-Sarkhasi There's only one wayFight those … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
307 … and that is one of the reasons why the scholars have mentioned that the Prophet ... prohibited desiring to meet the enemy because news is not like observation, and perhaps in that situation the soul reveals what it used to conceal, and … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
308 … therefore, he (the Prophet ... ) apprehended that these matters would not actualize as they should, so he disliked meeting the enemy for that reason." This meaning points to a similar meaning in the saying of The Exalted: .And you had certainly … Inspire al-Qa'idah 8
309 … in its war against the mujahdideen. 26You will find new and easy to follow instructions that will wreak havoc on the enemy Insha'Allah. Few of these attacks will cost the enemy greatly. 28 The convoy of martyrs 30 It is of your freedom to ignite … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
310 … new and easy to follow instructions that will wreak havoc on the enemy Insha'Allah. Few of these attacks will cost the enemy greatly. 28 The convoy of martyrs 30 It is of your freedom to ignite a firebomb The AQ Chef 37 Qualities of an … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
311 … and the mujahideen have similar goals? Mujahid Aziz 59 Unremorseful Mujahid Abu Muhhamad History & Strategy 23 The Jihadi Experiences:The most important enemy targets aimed at by the individual jihad Abu Mus'ab al-SuriManhaj Review 42 Why did I choose al Qaeda? [Part 5] Shaykh … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
312 … the Qur'an that took place in the American army base in Afghanistan will show the Afghan Muslims that their real enemy is the disbelieving Americans and not the Taliban? "Nobody who enters Paradise likes to go back to the world even if … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
313 … who engage in jihad through their action. They give the mujahideen in the fighting-front happiness when the mujahideen hear that their enemy is being stabbed in the back. Even though Arabic wasn't his mother tongue he memorized a lot of the Holy Qur'an. His … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
314 … that every brother coming from the West, especially America, had partaken in jihad inside that country. He explained that attacking the enemy in their backyard is one of the best ways to help the jihad. It would therefore help the cause of Islam … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
315 … such murder. But Muslims would never intentionally killed children no matter who their parents are. No matter if they are the worst enemy of Islam, if they are children it is prohibited to target them intentionally. We are asking Obama, even if Shaykh Anwar … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
316 … and resides, without the jihad costing him the hardship of traveling, migrating, and moving to where direct jihad is possible. The enemy today is one, and he is spread everywhere, alhamdullilah. Targets in the basic arena inside the West:A) Striking the Invaders … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
317 … means of contacting their Mujahideen brothers whatever the reasons, the aim is to activate them in the midst of the enemy weather the enemy was the Jews, the Christians or the apostates.It is becoming obvious to many that the concept of … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
318 … their Mujahideen brothers whatever the reasons, the aim is to activate them in the midst of the enemy weather the enemy was the Jews, the Christians or the apostates.It is becoming obvious to many that the concept of individual jihad which … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
319 … in its piety is what develops the character of the believing assassin. 2. His ability to select the right targets. He studies the enemy and his weaknesses. He doesn't limit the concept of his enemy to military personnel or political leaders, but he widens the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
320 … believing assassin. 2. His ability to select the right targets. He studies the enemy and his weaknesses. He doesn't limit the concept of his enemy to military personnel or political leaders, but he widens the scope upon anyone that the shari`ah allows him to eliminate. Thus, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
321 … afraid to study the movements of personalities that openly insult the religion, apostates that play a helping role for the enemy aggressors, and non-combatants in either selective hits - such as to obtain ghanimah for further operations - or mass hits … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
322 … should never overlook this blessing. * The second method is for him to pay special attention to all probable avenues the enemy could use in order to trace his fingerprints and identity. This in turn makes him intelligent in his surroundings, always looking … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
323 … used for and against him. He avoids that which can harm him - unless if his plan is to drag the enemy to his position - and goes head forward in those methods that will benefit him. At the same time, he doesn't … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
324 … forward in those methods that will benefit him. At the same time, he doesn't make sudden movements that could alert the enemy - such as disconnecting his mobile phone before every operation - but can find alternative methods to safeguard his movements. When … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
325 … disconnecting his mobile phone before every operation - but can find alternative methods to safeguard his movements. When he assassinates an enemy with a gun, he makes sure the source of where the bullets were purchased from is not something that can … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
326 … silent one is, the more dangerous he is; and how true of a statement that is! 7. He can find his enemy through every possible means. Since the assassin is aware of his environment, he is also able to see his enemies from … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
327 … means. Since the assassin is aware of his environment, he is also able to see his enemies from perspectives that the enemy cannot see him. So as the assassin blends himself into society, appearing as normal, he can emerge behind his foe with … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
328 … a major public figure, since it requires moving up the ranks within a company, organization or service. In situations where the enemy is not much of a high target and is freely available in public venues, it is important for the assassin … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
329 … venues, it is important for the assassin to use that to his advantage in order to gain something from his enemy such as a habit or regular movement. From thereon, he will be able to pick the best time to eliminate that … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
330 … so that he can use special devices - which are readily available to the public - to spy on the enemy or locate his position. These are some of the outstanding qualities of the urbanite assassin. There are different types of assassin roles … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
331 … out his operations in this manner, then he will become a Nidal Hassan that is invisible to the public and enemy eye. The operations would be carried out on a consistent basis, shaking up the entire nation and making her deteriorate from … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
332 … the people when an assassin strikes in the enemy's land is of much greater proportion than him striking the enemy on the battlefield. Mujahid AzizThe difference between the two is enormous and obvious that it does not need mentioning. However, we have … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
333 … near daily basis. In the fiqhî issue of tattarus (shields), this issue of targeting places where women are gathered amongst the enemy is answered. In any case, it's not like we target daycare centers and children schools or gatherings known to hold only … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
334 … from the Sharia of our Lord. Of course, you will be hearing this and that about the dangers of attacking our enemy in certain way, but you won't hear a word about the drones' attacks that are killing large numbers of Muslim … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
335 … of the palms-trees. He pointed out in its end that that is to be an abasement and an irritation for the enemy by His saying: . and so He would disgrace the defiantly disobedient. And it is ok to burn their fortresses with fire, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
336 … in its shadow or eat from its fruits or that the habit has not been so between us and our enemy that if we do it to them, they do it to us as this is prohibited due to the damage … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
337 … by Malik, al-Shafi'i, Isahaq and Ibn al-Munthir. Isahaq said: [ burning is Sunnah if it causes a crushing harm to the enemy because of Allah's saying: . What you cut down of the date-palm trees (of the enemy)Or you left them standing on … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
338 … the Almighty said: . nor do they tread on any ground that enrages the disbelievers, nor do they inflict upon an enemy any infliction but that it is registered for them as a righteous deed.[9:120] And Allah's Apostle ... had the date-palm trees … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
339 … the different schools of thought, we come to the conclusion that the burning of forests in the land of the enemy among the disbelievers is of the legitimate acts. It is of the jihad in the sake of the Almighty Allah. May Allah … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
340 … '' posing a significant ongoing threat to the safety of the American citizens everywhere." And the truth is what your enemy testifies about you. Although, he was under their captivity, his example in patience exceeded his young age.And this is the life … Inspire al-Qa'idah 9
341 … experienced to be asked. Americans have tasted slaughter in Iraq and Prophet ... , for they are more capable of crushing the enemy at his heart. Afghanistan enough to make them bite their fingertips in regret. Weigh with your brains if you really care for … Inspire al-Qa'idah 10
342 … our Muslim brothers and sisters in the Islamic countries, destroying their houses and burning down their plantations. • It makes the enemy to revise its anti-muslims aggressive policies. When he is hit inside his country because of his war on Islam and occupation … Inspire al-Qa'idah 10
343 … occupation of Muslim lands, he is compelled to change his stands. Whoever feels safe from punishment, misbehaves. • It's difficult for the enemy to provide security for its wide range of targets. • It's difficult to identify the executor. Hit and run. • Numerous operations could … Inspire al-Qa'idah 10
344 … plans which in return could not guarantee him a 100% security from the assaults of the mujahideen. In general, if an enemy is strong in one field, he is weak in another. And his weak spot is a reason behind its downfall. Here the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 10
345 … by the people and more tribes are making pledges of alliances to the mujahideen. In Yemen the general public knows their enemy is America. They know its crimes and hatred towards Muslims. They support jihad against America. Their children, brothers and fathers are the mujahideen. Lastly, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 10
346 … with Him, Oh Ya Rabb! Our punishment is by bullets and bombs, And Allah's hastising greater than that! Assassinating the enemy of Allah, Will shed blood for Rasulullah, When will his rights be realized, By the sprinters to the paradise? Prophet … Inspire al-Qa'idah 10
347 … transportation between the two. The Muslims in those countries are like Muslims everywhere; the religious duty of jihad, of repelling the enemy and resisting him, rests on their shoulders in exactly the same way as for Muslims in their own countries i.e. Muslims … Inspire al-Qa'idah 10
348 … except his mother's embrace. He cannot sleep without being awoken by the sound of artilleries. All this is the result of the enemy who ran over our lands with oppression and force, with power, hatred and enmity; stealing and robbing. We see blood being … Inspire al-Qa'idah 10
349 … for the leaders of Al-Qaeda they took a great stand to raise this ummah, but they lack weapons and the enemy is loaded, the munafiqeen are many, so are the betrayers and propagandists. That's why victory is taking long. But history won't forget … Inspire al-Qa'idah 10
350 … awareness to Muslims all over the globe and passed on the message of Sheikh Usama that you are truly the enemy of Islam. The ummah of glory has risen. And it is pursuing the mission of "you'll never enjoy peace till we live … Inspire al-Qa'idah 10
351 … and sabotaging roadways, showcasing AQAP's need to innovate new strategies in order to motivate extremists, find success, and keep the enemy (the West) on its toes. [MSA SecUrITY] Step-by-step instructions: Simultaneously, U.S. officials said, English-language literature has blossomed online exhorting aspiring militants to … Inspire al-Qa'idah 11
352 … by means of others. [47: 4] Imam Al-Baghawy comments on this verse, "It means: do not abandon waging Jihad on the enemy and supporting the oppressed even if you are alone. Indeed, Allah has promised you victory and punished others for abandoning Jihad." … Inspire al-Qa'idah 11
353 … the absence of fighting the or a stick is and exposed the Thereafter came the (reliance on Allah), surveil an enemy kuffar together with abandoning a mujahid in treacherous leaders. western invasion of and pull the trigger, or detonate the preparation for … Inspire al-Qa'idah 11
354 … it is behind contented with half solutions, rather little to occupy Iraq as it was playing Our fight with our enemy does not Our fight with our enemy does not require balance of power.every thing happening in the world. we should continue … Inspire al-Qa'idah 11
355 … rather little to occupy Iraq as it was playing Our fight with our enemy does not Our fight with our enemy does not require balance of power.every thing happening in the world. we should continue with up in the remaining Muslim lands … Inspire al-Qa'idah 11
356 … the belongingness to this ummah. And this bond is what overcomes nationalism and racism. It is also the scale by which the enemy treats us. When one reflects on the Boston events, his attention is drawn to the tumult made by the fact that … Inspire al-Qa'idah 11
357 … Him in your plans for the ummah's interest. Do not consider anything else. Allah Alone can let good or evil befall you. The enemy is very weak. He cannot even protect himself from attacks. Do not be deceived by their propaganda, which its goal is to … Inspire al-Qa'idah 11
358 … they have revealed the power of a Lone Jihad operation. And by the Will of Allah, future attacks will force the enemy to place his knees on a rough ground. So Take things into your hands. You are a Muslim, it is your obligation. The … Inspire al-Qa'idah 11
359 … to find out why two young bright Muslim brothers living in Boston would wage attacks on America, the most vicious enemy of the Muslim Ummah. The Tsarnaev brother Dzhokhar, 19 - may Allah heal him and set him free - said that … Inspire al-Qa'idah 11
360 … quite wide-range blasting scene (15 blocks), which hardened and slowed down the mission of security services to collect evidence. Therefore the enemy had no choice but to shut down the whole area for several days. In addition, many injuries were cuts from the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 11
361 … soldiers, who go to Afghanistan and Iraq and kill, violent individuals? ÃDAM GADAHN, Al-Qaeda Mujahid (As-Sahab Media):Stand, revenge on America the enemy of Islam and Muslims. Remind us of the glories of Nairobi, Dar-es-salam, Aden, New York, Washington, Fort Hood, Benghazi and Boston. Defend … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
362 … effect that may surpass an operation where tens of people get killed. That is because the parcel bomb operation, which the enemy calls foiled parcel bomb plot and we call Operation Hemorrhage and consider it to be successful by all means, will … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
363 … plot and we call Operation Hemorrhage and consider it to be successful by all means, will end up costing the enemy billions of dollars in added security measures, billions of dollars in lost revenue because of stricter security measures, a xenophobic … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
364 … is halal or haram.We look into two situations from the time of the Messenger. Bayat and the mangonel.Bayat was where the enemy would be attacked at night, ambushed, and during the fighting inevitably women and children and elderly get killed because of … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
365 … there are women and children in them or not. Imam Abu Hanifa says that if the Muslims lay siege to their enemy and the enemy stands on the walls with the children of Muslims used as shields we should strike them with … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
366 … and children in them or not. Imam Abu Hanifa says that if the Muslims lay siege to their enemy and the enemy stands on the walls with the children of Muslims used as shields we should strike them with arrows and mangonels … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
367 … Muslims and the righteous predecessors from the companions of the Messenger of Allah ... in regards to the fortresses of the enemy and it has not been narrated to us that anyone of them stopped short of attacking a fort by mangonels … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
368 … the other issue which was mentioned in the question and that is that we are allowed to do to the enemy what they do to us. You see war is a matter that takes place between two parties. So you cannot set up … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
369 … war is a matter that takes place between two parties. So you cannot set up rules that restrict yourself while your enemy does not agree to abide too. The US, Britain, France, are all guilty of horrendous human rights abuses against Muslims so … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
370 … you can. Our advice to you is: Among us you are just one man, remain where you are and weaken the enemy from within as much as you can. If we have brothers bringing the battle to the US, France, Britain, Germany, Denmark, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
371 … bringing the battle to the US, France, Britain, Germany, Denmark, Australia, that would have much more effect in weakening the enemy than having brothers join us from those countries. The West brought us war and destruction let's give the West back what … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
372 … surprise, it's the Mujahideen who have the upper hand. How many times have the Mujahideen witnessed the friendly fires amongst the enemy ranks? How many times have the Mujahideen witnessed earth shattering missiles that didn't leave even a scratch on their bodies?! … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
373 … didn't leave even a scratch on their bodies?! How many times have the Mujahideen brought despair and destruction to the enemy with just one martyrdom seeker? The miracles that we witness on the ground are spectacular and truly send us the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
374 … to kill my own kind. Forget that, I couldn't even live with the fact that I was residing under the greatest enemy today - the one who finances tyrants and launches wars of injustice in the name of protecting its 'freedom' - … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
375 … the quest of seeking the Face of their Lord. WWSheikh Ibrahim Ar-RubayshThe Crusadeand the swapof stancesWhen you want to fight your enemy while you realize the material difference between your strengh and his, certainly you need a strong will to take the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
376 … take the decision of declaring war. However, after you have cut a long way into the war, and you see your enemy in a position of taking decisions similar to yours before declaring the war, you will be happy and thank Allah … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
377 … Ummah was being killed and expelled worldwide, and Muslims were contented with mourning on pulpits and condemning in the media. The enemy was disposing our affairs, killing, snatching honors, expelling and starving Muslims, and our suffering changed nothing on the ground.Presently, the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
378 … disposing our affairs, killing, snatching honors, expelling and starving Muslims, and our suffering changed nothing on the ground.Presently, the crusader enemy is in the same condition we were in before the war. On the media, you hear Obama's statement on Al-Qaeda's defeat, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
379 … deployed in Iraq, they killed a lot of people - only their Creator knows the exact statistics. In the end, the enemy was forced to retreat, pulling the tails of defeat behind him plus debts which drain the blood of the concussed … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
380 … the Mujahideen are strengthening day by day. So what will a remote controlled plane achieve? The war between Muslims and their enemy is not won by the number of casualties. Instead it is won by strengthening from Allah and a strong will that … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
381 … as per the hypocrites' dictionary. And as for he who follows the Orders of Allah to his capability by terrorizing the enemy is a terrorist, a militant extremist and a radical. We say: Terrorism has been prescribed against the enemies of Allah by … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
382 … in humiliation and shame. Know that Al-Qaeda's terrorism is against all who show enmity towards Islam. It is not essential for the enemy of Islam to have blue eyes or yellow skin!! Al-Qaeda is terrorizing the enemies of Allah; the Jews, the Christians, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
383 … Word of Tawheed' penned by Sheikh An-Nadhary. We hope it will be of benefit to our readers. 24 7TERRORISMMuhannad J. S. "We have an enemy that is 24/7 trying to find ways to kill us in many forms." - Rep. Peter T. King A couple of months … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
384 … any Muslim following the way of the Prophet ... , will be feared by the enemies of Islam." "We have an enemy that is 24/7 trying to find ways to kill us in many forms." This is the way Rep. Peter King2 put … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
385 … can be summarized by the following: 1. Achieving the 'balance of horror' in the ongoing conflict between Islam and kufr. 2. Putting the enemy under continuous pressure as a result of expecting sudden attacks, be it lone Jihad attacks in his backyard, or attacks … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
386 … sudden attacks, be it lone Jihad attacks in his backyard, or attacks on his interests out of the U.S. soil. 3. Placing the enemy in a defensive position and keeping him away from spreading hostilities on Muslims. 4. Forcing the enemy to spend more money on … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
387 … out of the U.S. soil. 3. Placing the enemy in a defensive position and keeping him away from spreading hostilities on Muslims. 4. Forcing the enemy to spend more money on beefing up security measures inside and outside his borders; hence economic hemorrhage. 5. Prolonging the war, America's … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
388 … be pleased with him - was asked: How do you defeat your enemies? He said: When I would meet my enemy I would believe with firm conviction that I would defeat him while he too believes that I would defeat him, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
389 … and his, support me against him. Some have advised: Believe in victory, you will be victorious. Others say: If you fear your enemy you have allowed an army to be sent against your heart. We have found that the ones who died because of … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
390 … economic crises and recessions, they will announce their defeat and renounce the absurd wars against other nations.Before 9/11, this capitalist enemy had a different state of economy. Clinton's era ended with a luxury economic life to the Americans and budget surpluses. Clinton presided … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
391 … the place and time is a crucial factor to success in any operation. Choose targets in your own country. You know the enemy better, you are within. We will point out some general and specific targets as an example. GENERAL TARGETS:America is our first target, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
392 … the Christian militia fight the regime Army for its relation to Islam the right man in the right place devastates the enemy CHOOSE WISELY … Inspire al-Qa'idah 12
393 … with the intent to develop a capability to strike the United States, the country they refer to as the far enemy ... (And) It is extremely difficult (to get them), because their objectives is to carry out terrorist attacks in cities. And people … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
394 … with the intent to develop a capability to strike the United States, the country they refer to as the far enemy ... (And) It is extremely difficult (to get them), because their objectives is to carry out terrorist attacks in cities. And people … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
395 … in disarray. For years the ummah has known the battlefield and conceived the scheme. The arrow has been aimed at the real enemy of the ummah who contrives the conspiracies and draws its cunning plots. The ummah has unearthed the lackeys, revolt against them … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
396 … deceived by delusions, lies and deceptions. As for the people of Jihad and might in the ummah, they have perceived which enemy they aim their arrows at. The end of the Americans is in Afghanistan today, was in Iraq yesterday and will be … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
397 … • In this war on terror, how can America be a friend of the Free Syrian Army, who is an enemy of Bashar Al-Asad who is a friend of Iran, who is a partner of America? • Isn't it amazing that … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
398 … the Almighty and Proud!" and that when any Muslim nation -and the threat on your interests is typical for the enemy of Islam to Are we to turn a blind eye to these however weak, illiterate and impoverished it is - … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
399 … paying in these declare Jihâd or take a stand against the country: These conferences areunrestrained wars that will cause the enemy ... This is 'the disaster'. of no help, nor are seminars heldyou disastrous economic crises? Do What saddens me in this period … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
400 … salvation from unbelief, and it will help you gain favor with Allah and avoid disgrace. So aim your spears at the enemy and cover yourselves with shields. Do not be saying anything but mentioning the Most High and Almighty Allah in your souls … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
401 … to fight the enemies of Allah, I kneeled to the ground and put my spear forward and pierced the first enemy horseman who advanced towards us. After that I rushed to fight the enemy and Allah dispelled fear from my heart. Muslims were … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
402 … put my spear forward and pierced the first enemy horseman who advanced towards us. After that I rushed to fight the enemy and Allah dispelled fear from my heart. Muslims were frantically and courageously attacking the Byzantines and kept heroically fighting until Allah … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
403 … was just a drill. The grenade was educa-tional. The trainer let it slip to see how his students would react if an enemy was to throw a grenade at their garrison. Would they act as he has trained them; lie down and avoid the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
404 … was just a drill. The grenade was educa-tional. The trainer let it slip to see how his students would react if an enemy was to throw a grenade at their garrison. Would they act as he has trained them; lie down and avoid the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
405 … is not only to revenge for the Abu Ghraib abuse, but it is also for the Ummah and Tawheed. And the enemy is the same enemy in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Islamic Maghreb, Yemen, ... Everywhere on this earth Muslims have a common enemy, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
406 … revenge for the Abu Ghraib abuse, but it is also for the Ummah and Tawheed. And the enemy is the same enemy in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Islamic Maghreb, Yemen, ... Everywhere on this earth Muslims have a common enemy, America. I came to Yemen … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
407 … judges.} Q: What is your advice to the Mujahideen? A: Unite your ranks. Be united. Put your differences aside. Your differences serve the enemy to achieve what he couldn't achieve if you were united. If your unity was only for the sake of annoying the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
408 … to achieve what he couldn't achieve if you were united. If your unity was only for the sake of annoying the enemy it would have been enough. Q: What is your advice to the Muslims in the West? A: If you join the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
409 … children of Adam, that you should not worship Satan - (for) indeed, 2014 he is to you a clear enemy - And that you worship (only) Me? This is a straight path.} [36: 60] And He says: {They call upon … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
410 … Engineering - Swansea Institute Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering dunya desires family Wealth The virTues of InghImaasIimmersing oneself deep into enemy lines to inflictdamage or attain shahada dunya desires family Wealth The virTues of InghImaasIimmersing oneself deep into enemy lines to … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
411 … deep into enemy lines to inflictdamage or attain shahada dunya desires family Wealth The virTues of InghImaasIimmersing oneself deep into enemy lines to inflictdamage or attain shahada AAllah1 says: {But those who were certain that they were going to meet Allah … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
412 … arrived vultures were already devouring his companions. He told 'Amr bin Umayyah: "I am going to go alone and face the enemy so they can kill me. I don't want to be left behind when our companions have been killed." So he did, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
413 … enough to be part of making the victory. It's not necessary to travel to the battlefield, it's enough to kill the enemy back home. Total silence filled the room. It was very unusual for the five to have such a quiet breakfast. Suddenly the old … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
414 … and enjoying themselves, mom? To ever see you ride your tricycle? this journey together my dear one but Ito our enemy in order to meet Allah; I don't the gorgeous ground made out of pearl To witness you flourish into a … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
415 … Him know you are doing something dangerous for a very long time", and then they proceed such as travelling in enemy territory without to look up at the sky with a smile on their face. a weapon. The unexpected fear comes when They … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
416 … of the attack, the Mujahideen had to disperse. So they spread in all Muslim countries to scatter the strength of the enemy and to begin the second strategy: targeting the widespread American interests: again the economy. With incomparable foolishness, the Americans thereafter decided … Inspire al-Qa'idah 13
417 … group to plan an assassination operation in such a manner. And the years it took to lie in wait for the enemy and execute the operation. All of this in order to realize and achieve the highest level of secrecy, security and excellence.As … Inspire al-Qa'idah 14
418 … and efforts to destroy the American Economy, which is the main reason for America's power and dominance.Defending against an aggressive enemy backed by America is obligatory. And this should not divert us from fighting the main enemy, America.When America is defeated, then … Inspire al-Qa'idah 14
419 … policies and management are filtered with the element of terrorism. There is no where to flee from this war on terrorism. The enemy cannot bear to hide his weakness due to the fear of destruction. It is definitely a war and neglecting it, is … Inspire al-Qa'idah 14
420 … due to the fear of destruction. It is definitely a war and neglecting it, is destruction and doom. Be attentive towards your enemy as he is wobbling. America bet and so did the West in hiring the apostates to be their right arm in … Inspire al-Qa'idah 14
421 … of his fellow Mujahideen. Doing all he can to protect them from harm and taking strong precautions whenever he thought the enemy might uncover them. He feared for his brothers. He never wanted any harm to befall them if there was ever a way … Inspire al-Qa'idah 14
422 … the operation? • How has the executor prepared for the operation? Is it a Martydom operation, inghimaasi (Immersing onself deep into enemy lines) or an assault? • When the executor of the operation performs an assault, then he must have a retreat plan. He … Inspire al-Qa'idah 14
423 … first shot. As such one should be quick in his operation and instill fear in the enemy, confuse and disorient the enemy during the time of storming the building. In this method, a pistol might be used together with a grende, so as … Inspire al-Qa'idah 14
424 … and terrorizes the enemy. They play a vital role during retreat. The attacker may throw hand grenades in the directions where the enemy is firing from, allowing for safe retreat and away from the fire zone.And because of the importance of hand grenades … Inspire al-Qa'idah 14
425 … was useless for Muslims to be preoccupied with other than the most important thing after having faith, ie. Driving away the enemy who corrupt the religion and honor of the Muslims. The Sheikh became certain that once again history is repeating itself and … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
426 … or even mere shaking. Countries tend to be concerned and apprehensive on anything threatening the security and stability of the economy. The enemy is terrorized and dreaded by this weapon; considered a striking force in the hands of the opponent, if well-known and … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
427 … they may be found. The Prophet ( ... ) and the companions used this effective weapon in their times. The impact upon the enemy was very significant, becoming among the reason for the exhaustion and downfall of the Quraysh, who were considered to be … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
428 … in front of their eyes how their wealth and treasures are used in building and strengthening the civilizations of the enemy - who later on use their strength in fighting the Muslims. So the Muslim generation was plunged into the lowest degree … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
429 … from books and fatwas. I would like to specifically point out the Lone Mujahid. Who fights alone in the land of the enemy without the assistance of a jihãd group. It is upon this Mujahid to learn the basics that should not be neglected … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
430 … fasting and zakat and the fiqh of jihãd. He should also understand and learn the rulings of martyrdom operations, raiding the enemy and tatarus and the rulings on giving allegiance. Ruling regarding the targeting of kuffar women and children, and who is Jihad … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
431 … are not burdened except for your own self ". It explains the importance of Lone Jihãd and its impact upon the enemy in a two-part series. Arrangements of the most effective goals upon the enemy, and the general ideas of the Mujahideen. Showing examples … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
432 … of the Revolutionary War and George Washington was to be arrested in Britain. Surely the British would have considered him an enemy combatant. But Americans would see him as hero. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed / 2007 jihad profiles {... then kill the Mushrikun wherever you find … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
433 … mercy of Allah be upon him) said, ("Surely, fighting defensively is a more drastic manner of defending oneself from the enemy in religion and sanctity. It is a duty and an obligation. The enemy who corrupts the religion, nothing is more obligated after … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
434 … a more drastic manner of defending oneself from the enemy in religion and sanctity. It is a duty and an obligation. The enemy who corrupts the religion, nothing is more obligated after having faith except fighting him. There is no condition except fighting him … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
435 … said: ("There may come a time where it is necessary for all to engage in Jihad. That might happen when the enemy is scattered everywhere and has power over the land of Muslims. When that occurs, every Muslim is to march forward, light-footed … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
436 … the attacker, and the operation ending as a typical normal assault like any other. This view does not affect much the enemy power centers, even though it has some benefit and reward - by the grace of Allah. But, what we seek in … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
437 … Jihãd between strategy and tactic: When war is intertwined between nations, every party of the conflict works in dragging his enemy to the stage of Proving its Existence. This stage is considered to be the first step in Nation building. Proving its Existence, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
438 … and a debacle. Therefore, as we made clear, the goal of any party in a conflict is to drag back the enemy into a state of Proving its Existence. Beginning by seizing the military control by force, depriving them from military presence, and … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
439 … and then depriving them of their internal security by inciting disturbance and disorder of security in the heart of the enemy state, whereby it is striving hard to prove its security presence. This in itself considered a clear defeat to the targeted … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
440 … towards the sacred and sanctity of the Muslims. And it becomes without a doubt that any act of aggression by the enemy against Muslims, will be countered with Lone Lone Jihad, Between Strategy and Tactic. Wolves operations inside the very home of the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
441 … Afghanistan and Iraq among others. So Sheikh Usama believed that it is our obligation, after having faith, to drive away the enemy who corrupts our religion, honor and life. And the eviction of the idol-worshippers from the Arabian peninsula is an obligation that … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
442 … mercy upon him), believed that martyrdom operations represented the most effective means to terrorize and drive away a strong enemy. An enemy who thinks that he possesses the means, power and destruction to make others bow and subject themselves to his will. Today, … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
443 … prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them}. Sheikh (May the mercy of Allah be upon him), used to always … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
444 … are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them}. Sheikh (May the mercy of Allah be upon him), used to always address the Mujahideen in the … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
445 … its enmity and fear of Islam. The advancing giant, forcing America to come out face to face to confront its new enemy -Islam. Before the 9/11 attacks the American policy makers, out of their enormous fear of Islam, the eventual effects of that … Inspire al-Qa'idah 15
446 … asymmetrical war- severely exhausted and could no fare and opted for the gradual longer muster the morale to fight attrition of the enemy forces. It is effectively, the Mujahideen have a method of gradual degradation succeeded in dislocating, physiof the capability of the Kafir … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 2
447 … Jihad, has the Somali narrative reached its climax point. And while the protagonists of this ideology remain largely unscathed by the manoeuvres of the enemy forces, the invaders and their apostate apologists are gradually approaching the twilight of their political potential. The road to Kismayo is plagued with perils of … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 2
448 … They received recognition from the areas they administered as peace and justice were established under the Islamic Sharee’ah. Al-Shabaab became a staunch enemy of America simply because they never heeded the lesson that was given to the Islamic Courts Union. America’s defeat in their cowboy adventures … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 2
449 … a historical enmity towards Islam. And Since it wouldn’t be a complete “Operation Linda Ukafiri” unless it got the backing of the worst enemy of Islam, the Jews, Kenya’s prime minis- ter made a formal visit to Israel to request for any kind of support in … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 2
450 … asymmetrical war- severely exhausted and could no fare and opted for the gradual longer muster the morale to fight attrition of the enemy forces. It is effectively, the Mujahideen have a method of gradual degradation succeeded in dislocating, physiof the capability of the Kafir … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 3
451 … Jihad, has the Somali narrative reached its climax point. And while the protagonists of this ideology remain largely unscathed by the manoeuvres of the enemy forces, the invaders and their apostate apologists are gradually approaching the twilight of their political potential. The road to Kismayo is plagued with perils of … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 3
452 … They received recognition from the areas they administered as peace and justice were established under the Islamic Sharee’ah. Al-Shabaab became a staunch enemy of America simply because they never heeded the lesson that was given to the Islamic Courts Union. America’s defeat in their cowboy adventures … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 3
453 … a historical enmity towards Islam. And Since it wouldn’t be a complete “Operation Linda Ukafiri” unless it got the backing of the worst enemy of Islam, the Jews, Kenya’s prime minis- ter made a formal visit to Israel to request for any kind of support in … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 3
454 … be killed in the path of Allah. The Mujahideen understand that the whole affair of war, as well as victory or defeat on the enemy was preparing to mount a large offensive in the Northern parts of the city - in an area that was then newly captured … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 4
455 … every alley. Garrisoned in the makeshift base, a short distance behind the frontline, were dozens of young martyrdom seekers, each eager to engage the enemy once called. A flurry of activity engulfed the bullet-battered neighbourhood as sporadic gunfire resonated across the empty streets and a countless number of vehiclemounted … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 4
456 … an island of santy in such a setting. They’ve put up a sturdy defence in all corners, necessary arrangements were made to outflank the enemy and the chants of Takbeer were gradually rising above the cruel cacophony of gunfire. But something 14 Gaidi Mtaani Toleo la 3 began firing again. The Mujahideen managed to … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 4
457 … out the Badru Nairobi operation are part of the Harakat Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahideen’s Martyrdom brigade; these are brothers who have volunteered to enter into enemy ranks and cause havoc before being killed by the enemy. Perhaps not surprisingly, the leader of the Kenya armed forces (KDF), one General … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 5
458 … ﭼ‬And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war (tanks, planes,missiles, artillery, etc.) to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy... ‫[ ﭽ‬60.-Al-Anfal] In this special issue, we’ve dedicated the whole issue to the recent speech by … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 6
459 … of As for what follows: May peace and blessing be upon you: The Crusade against the Muslims in Kenya. 4 GAIDI MTAANI Issue 5 GAIDI MTAANI Issue 5 5 With the enemy now stretched out, they have become weak, making them fall prey to the Mujahideen’s ambushes and attacks. AMISOM - and despite having employed … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 6
460 … and despite having employed all forms of psychological warfare and propaganda, despite all that, the offensive encountered unmatched steadfastness from the Mujahideen and Ansar tribes. The enemy plans were destroyed as a result and they began blaming one another; and that is due to Allah’s favour and then because of … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 6
461 … participate alongside the Mujahideen in times of joy and distress and stand with them in a single line against the invading enemy Crusaders. With the enemy now stretched out, they have become weak, making them fall prey to the Mujahideen’s ambushes and attacks. The Mujahideen have also succeeded in besieging enemy territories and cutting off … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 6
462 … invading enemy Crusaders. With the enemy now stretched out, they have become weak, making them fall prey to the Mujahideen’s ambushes and attacks. The Mujahideen have also succeeded in besieging enemy territories and cutting off their supplies. And the words of Allah, strike true in their regard: “Verily, those who disbeliever spend their wealth to hinder … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 6
463 … CAN BREAK of disputes which bring about failure and weakness and which act as a soldier through which the contending parties strengthen their own enemy against them; because when they are united they are like a bundle of arrows which no one can break, but if they are … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 6
464 … die but to make the other bastard enemy of Allah C and the enemy of the Prophet 6 , and at the same … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 7
465 … knew that he was from Galgadud Historically, the enemy of Islam has arrangements, and not to trigger any surroundings … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 7
466 … 2007. At the height of the Ethiopian the enemy and eager for martyrdom. During the long … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 7
467 … to the frontlines so that he could take the enemy until they overran all the same enemy. It is the bond that united … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 7
468 … for their ways of living was well known and well liked. A face retreating enemy and it was there American brother with his brothers from … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 7
469 … entire world were fixed with compassion, winning heart enemy that Mus’ab accomplished Muslims from across the globe. … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 7
470 … smile that adorned his face on that day, in the face of the enemy was unique. each other when they were hit by enemy Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 7
471 … of 2004 his brothers. In every minute detail of his movements of the enemy and their Qur’an. They made Hijra together, they … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 7
472 … the enemy with a firm conviction in the … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 7
473 … Nation august-2013 The enemy advances, we retreat; the enemy Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 7
474 … camps, we harass; the enemy tires, we attack; … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 7
475 … I seen it for myself that morning. There it was, far out in the horizon a couple of kilometres from coast, an enemy battleship. 6 GAIDI MTAANI toleo la 7 GAIDI MTAANI toleo la 7 7 8 On land everything seemed to be the same old as usual, and as … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 8
476 … as a mini volcano. The buzz of the whizzing bullets contributed to my temporary deafness. After about forty minutes into the battle, the enemy withdrew firing sporadically in retreat. Izzi (commander of our unit) hurriedly ordered us to advance towards the enemy post leading the way; it … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 8
477 … minutes into the battle, the enemy withdrew firing sporadically in retreat. Izzi (commander of our unit) hurriedly ordered us to advance towards the enemy post leading the way; it was obvious that he was a veteran. We came to stacked green sacks full of sand, deep trenches … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 8
478 … all of the offensive brothers, including the Sheikh, were hit with paintball rounds and were on the sideline. A few minutes later, the enemy had closed in and it was only me left defending our flag trying to hold out for the time limit … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 8
479 … in and it was only me left defending our flag trying to hold out for the time limit to end. The enemy decided to make a rush at me. As they rushed in, I tried to shoot to force them back but they … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 8
480 … members had taken our flag and was heading back to their area. As the round ended and the Sheikh saw that the enemy had taken our flag, he came over trying to raise our morale. Then he asked, “Was anyone ‘alive’ when they took our … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 8
481 … that Sheikh Anwar was too much of a threat and that they needed him to be taken out ‘dead or alive.’ The enemy claimed to have killed him more than once but each time they were proved wrong. The drone bombing campaign that was going … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 8
482 … what we have been ordered and what the Prophet, peace be upon him, has taught us. You may find some people running towards the enemy frontlines without firing or taking cover and then saying that nothing will happen to me except what is decreed for me. And it is … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 8
483 … ﯴﯵﯶ ﯷﯸ‬ ٦٠ :‫ﯹ ﯺ ﱪ األنفــال‬ And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others besides them, whom you may not know but whom Allah does know… (8:60) ‫ﱫﮖﮗﮘﮙﮚ‬ ‫ﮛﮜﮝﮞﮟﮠﱪ‬ O you who believe! precautions… … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 8
484 … them and the enemy. The brothers thanked Allah for saving them and Allah knows that if they had driven up to the enemy that night, things would have been very difficult. That same night some brothers were anxious and nervous about the advancing Ethiopian Crusaders. The … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 8
485 … loud voice, “There’s nothing to be worried about brothers, these are just Ethiopians.” He went on to lay multiple ambushes for the enemy that night where multiple brothers were martyred along with the brother next to Fazul, may Allah accept them. But Fazul left without a … Gaidi Mtaani al-Shabaab 8
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