This online resource is presented for research purposes only. Additionally, accessing these materials may be illegal in your country. Please first ensure that you are not breaking any laws concerning the acquisition and/or usage of such materials, as any consequences are yours and yours alone.
How to Use:
Corpus of Electronic Extremist Periodicals contains almost fifty digitized, searchable periodicals from
al-Qa'idah, and
al-Shabaab. The keyword search enables you to search through these periodicals for all occurrences of a particular word, the results for which are accompanied by the selected number of words that occur both before and after the word for which you have searched. If no value is specified for L↔R, then the system defaults to twenty words on both sides. The periodical name, issue number, and associated group are also presented for your consideration.
NOTE #1: Because this is meant to be accessible to a wide audience, this search will provide the concordance for a single word at a time. If you need a more powerful search using regular expressions, this is not the appropriate tool for your task.
NOTE #2: This corpus is a work-in-progress. All text was extracted from the original PDFs and is being cleaned up one issue at a time. As a result, there are likely still mistakes and/or some missing information that wasn't extracted correctly the first time.
How to Cite:
Spier, Troy E. 2022.
Corpus of Electronic Islamist Periodicals [software]. Available online at
Relevant Scholarship:
Spier, Troy E. 2022. "Ideological Exclusion: Defining the (Dis)believer in Extremist Muslim Periodicals -
Dabiq and
Inspire." In
Discourse, Media, and Conflict: Examining War and Resolution in the News, edited by Innocent Chiluwa, pp. 194-212. Cambridge University Press.
Spier, Troy E. 2018. "Extremist Propaganda and Qur’anic Scripture: A 'Radical' Corpus-Based Study of the Dabiq."
Discourse & Society, 29(5): 553-567.