Welcome / Willkommen / Karibuni

Picture of Troy E. Spier

I am currently Assistant Professor of English and Linguistics at Florida A&M University and Editor-in-Chief of the Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics. I specialize in language documentation and description in East and East-Central Africa (particularly in Zambia, Tanzania, and the DRC) and discourse analytic approaches to intersections of language, power, ideology, and religion. I also have secondary research interests in linguistic landscapes, computational methods, and pedagogy.

My scholarship has been published in a variety of academic journals, including Discourse & Society, the Journal of Asian and African Studies, Studies in African Languages and Cultures, Lenguaje, Critical Research on Religion, Reading Religion, the Teaching and Learning Anthropology Journal, Teaching Anthropology, World Literature Today, and Language. Text. Society.

Although currently based in Tallahassee, I was born in Lansdale and raised in the Oley Valley, both located in southeastern Pennsylvania. Additionally, I have also lived in New Orleans, Quito, Warner Robins, Skopje, Berlin, and Jersey City. Finally, I have spent considerable time in Phoenix, Arusha, and Mansa for research and/or educational purposes.