Bibliography: M40 Bantu Linguistic Varieties and Ethnolinguistic Groups
The following bibliography was created and is maintained exclusively by me. Because it is meant to be exhaustive, it will be updated as more published and/or unpublished scholarship is found. It should also be understood that the scholarship presented here comes from a variety of fields, as ethnographically-informed, linguistic insights can be found in linguistics, anthropology, history, psychology, theology, etc. PDFs are provided only for extremely dated work or those already available to the public. Nonetheless, this bibliography may not be partially or fully reproduced without prior approval.
- General (Luapula, Zambia and Katanga, D.R. Congo)
- Bwile (M401) [bwc]
- Aushi (M402) [auh]
- Taabwa (M41) [bem]
- Bemba (M42) [bem]
- Collection of Maps
General (Luapula, Zambia and Katanga, D.R. Congo)
38 References
- Boone, Olga. 1961. Carte Ethnique du Congo, Quart Sud-Est. Annales du MRAC (Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale), Sciences Humaines, 37). Tervuren, Belgium.
- Brelsford, William Vernon. 1956. The Tribes of Northern Rhodesia. Lusaka: The Government Printer.
- ———. 1965. The Tribes of Zambia. Lusaka: The Government Printer.
- Cancel, Robert. 2013. Storytelling in Northern Zambia: Theory, Method, Practice and Other Necessary Fictions. World Oral Literature Series: Open Book Publishers.
- Chaplin, J.H. 1961. "Notes on Traditional Smelting in Northern Rhodesia." The South African Archaeological Bulletin, 16(62): 53-60.
- Crowley, Daniel J. 1963. "Politics and Tribalism in the Katanga." The Western Political Quarterly, 16(1): 68-78.
- Cunnison, Ian. 1956. "Headmanship and the Ritual of Luapula Villages." Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 26(1): 2-16.
- ———. 1959. The Luapula Peoples of Northern Rhodesia: Customs and History in Tribal Politics. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Dauphin-Tinturier, Anne-Marie. 2003. "Cisungu à Nouveau Initiation des Femmes et Structure Sociale dans le Nord de la Zambie." L'Homme, 167/168: 187-207.
- Hughes, Joseph Edward. 1933. Eighteen Years on Lake Bangweulu. London: The Field.
- Hulstaert, G. 1950. Carte Linguistique du Congo Belge. Brussels: Koninklijk Belgisch Koloniaal Instituut/Institut Royal Colonial Belge.
- Kadima, Kamuleta et al. 2008. Situation Linguistique en Afrique Centrale: La République Démocratique du Congo: Nouvelle Édition Revue et Corrigée. Atlas Linguistique de l'Afrique Centrale (ALAC). Equipe Nationale Zaïroise: CERDOTOLA.
- Macola, Giacomo. 2003. "Historical and Ethnographical Publications in the Vernaculars of Colonial Zambia: Missionary Contribution to the 'Creation of Tribalism'." Journal of Religion in Africa, 33(4): 343-364.
- Marten, Lutz and Nancy Chongo Kula. 2008. "Zambia: One Zambia, One Nation, Many Languages." Language and National Identity in Africa, by Andrew Simpson (ed), pp. 306-314. Oxford University Press.
- Mitchell, J.C. 1974. "Perceptions of Ethnicity and Ethnic Behavior: An Empirical Exploration." In Abner Cohen (ed), Urban Ethnicity, pp. 1-36. London, UK: Routledge.
- Musambachime, Mwelwa C. 1984/1985. "The Effects of the Zambia-Zaire Boundary on the Lunda and Related Peoples of the Mweru-Luapula Region." Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria, 12(3/4): 159-169.
- ———. 1994. "The Ubutwa Society in Eastern Shaba and Northeast Zambia to 1920." The International Journal of African Historical Studies, 27(1): 77-99.
- Ohannessian, Sirarpi and Mubanga E. Kashoki (eds.) 1978. Language in Zambia. London: International African Institute
- Petit, Pierre. 1996. "Les charmes du roi sont les esprits des morts: les fondements religieux de la royauté sacrée chez les Luba du Zaïre." Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 66(3): 349-366.
- Poewe, Karla O. and Peter R. Lovell. 1980. "Marriage, Descent and Kinship: On the Differential Primacy of Institutions in Luapula (Zambia) and Longana (New Hebrides)." Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 50(1): 73-93.
- Poewe, Karla. 1981. Matrilineal Ideology: Male and Female Dynamics in Luapula, Zambia. London: International African Institute.
- Posner, Daniel N. "The Colonial Origins of Ethnic Cleavages: The Case of Linguistic Divisions in Zambia." Comparative Politics, 35(2): 127-146.
- Roberts, Andrew. 1976. A History of Zambia. London, UK: Heinemann.
- Sheikh, M.H. 1975. An Introduction to the Demography of Zambia. Lusaka: Central Statistical Office.
- Sicard, Harald V. 1962. "Geschichte am Luapula." Anthropos, 57(1/2): 198-206.
- ———. 1966. "Kulturhistorisches aus Zambia." Anthropos, 61(3/6): 847-851.
- Siegel, Brian. 2008. "Chipimpi, Vulgar Clans, and Lala-Lamba Ethnohistory." History in Africa, 35: 439-453.
- Tshonda, Jean Omasombo. 2018. Haut-Katanga: Lorsque Richesses Économiques et Pouvoirs Politiques Forcent une Identité Régionale. Tervuren, BE: Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale.
- van Bulck, Gaston. 1948. Les Recherches Linguistiques au Congo Belge: Résultats Acquis, Nouvelles Enquêtes à Entreprende. (Mémoires de l'Institut Royal Colonial Belge, 16). Bruxelles, Belgium.
- Vansina, Jan. 1966. Introduction à l'Éthnographie du Congo. Éditions Universitaires du Congo. Kinshasa: Université Lovanium.
- Verbeek, Léon. 2004. Pleureuses du Luapula, Moéro: Mélopées Funèbres du Sud-Est Katanga. Tervuren: Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale.
- ———. 2007. Cesse de Pleurer, Mon Enfant: Berceuses du Sud-Est du Katanga. Tervuren: Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale.
- ———. 2007. Chansons du Pilon et de la Meule: Pileuses du Sud-Est du Katanga. Tervuren: Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale.
- ———. 2007. Le Chasseur Africain et son Monde: Chansons de Chasse du Sud-Est du Katanga. Tervuren: Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale.
- Walraet, M. 1960. Bibliographie du Katanga (1925-1949). Brussel, BE: Koninklijke Academie voor Overzeese Weternschappen.
- Whiteley, Wilfred. 1951. Bemba and Related Peoples of Northern Rhodesia. London: International African Institute.
- Whiteley, Wilfred and J. Slaski. 1950. Peoples of the Lower Luapula Valley. London: International African Institute.
- Wotela, Kambidima. 2010. "Deriving Ethno-Geographical Clusters for Comparing Ethnic Differentials in Zambia." World Cultures eJournal, 17(2): 1-30.
Bwile (M401) [bwc]
3 References
- Cancel, Robert. 2013. "Stories on Demand: A Performance Session Among the Bwile." In Storytelling in Northern Zambia: Theory, Method, Practice and Other Necessary Fictions, pp. 211-246. Open Book Publishers.
- Crine. 1967. "Bwile M401." Tervuren, Belgium: Annales, Sciences Humaines, Royal Museum for Central Africa.
- Petit, Pierre. 2005. "Be Proud to be Bwile, It is Your Tribe!" Ethnicity, Political Jubilees and Traditions of Origin Among the Bwile of Zambia." In Ton Otto and Poul Pederson (eds), Tradition and Agency: Tracing Cultural Continuity and Invention. Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus University Press.
Aushi (M402) [auh]
27 References
- Barnes, H.B. 1926. "Iron Smelting Among the Ba-Ushi." The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 56: 189-194.
- Bickmore, Lee. 2018. "Contrast Reemergence in the Aushi Subjunctive." Africana Linguistica, 24: 123-138.
- Chesnaye, C.P. 1901. "A Journey from Fort Jameson to the Kafue River." The Geographical Journal, 17(1): 42-48.
- Chimba, Barnabas. 1949. A History of the Baushi. Cape Town: O.U.P., in association with Northern Rhodesia/Nyasaland Joint Publications Bureau.
- Datta, Kasum. 1988. "The Political Economy of Rural Development in Colonial Zambia: The Case of the Ushi-Kabenda, 1947-1953." The International Journal of African Historical Studies, 21(2): 249-272.
- Dauphin-Tinturier, Anne-Marie. 2001. Les Filles Difficiles Aushi et Lunda (Zambie). In Christiane Seydou and Véronique Karady (eds), La Fille Difficile, pp. 201-237. Paris, France: CNRS Éditions.
- Doke, Clement Martyn. 1933. "A Short Aushi Vocabulary." Bantu Studies, 7(1): 284-295.
- Gatter, Philip Neal. 1990. Indigenous and Institutional Thought in the Practice of Rural Development: A Study of an Ushi Chiefdom in Luapula, Zambia. Thesis, University of London.
- Ilunga, Nkimba Kafituka. 1994. Les Formes Verbales de l’Ikyaushi, M42b. MA thesis. Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo.
- Kabo, Mpundu. 1999. Les Rites Funéraires et les Cérémonies de la Purification du Veuf ou Veuve chez les Aushi de Kasenga. Thesis, Institut Supérieur Pédagogique, Lubumbashi, DRC.
- Kalaba, Omer Mangimela. 1969. Le Veuvage et les Indemnités de Décès dans la Coutume de Aushi du Katanga: Essai d'Intégration du Droit Écrit et du Droit Coutumier. Dissertation.
- Kankomba, G.M. and Chrysogone H. Twilingiyimana. 1986. "M421 Aushi." Tervuren, Belgium: Annales, Sciences Humaines, Royal Museum for Central Africa.
- Kay, George. 1964. Chief Kalaba’s Village: A Preliminary Survey of Economic Life in an Ushi Village, Northern Rhodesia. New York, NY: Humanities Press Inc.
- Kay, George and D.M. Wright. 1962. "Aspects of the Ushi Iron Industry." The Northern Rhodesia Journal, 5(1): 28-38.
- Kibimbi, Mwengwe. 1989. Contribution à l'Histoire Politique des Baushi du Zaïre: Origine et Évolution de la Dynastie des Chefs Kinama (1885-1987). Mémoire de Graduat en Histoire. Lubumbashi, DRC: Institut Supérieur Pédagogique
- Kokonge, Meli and Pierre Erny. 1976. "Comportements Sexuels Chez les Baushi de Kinama (Shaba, Zaïre)." Psychopathologie Africaine, 12(1): 5-33.
- Lamondi, Mwewa Kasongo. 1983. Histoire Ancienne des Riverains du Luapula: Les Aushi de Kinama. Thesis, Université Lubumbashi.
- Munday, J.T. 1948. "Spirit Names among the Central Bantu [Lamba, Lala, Aushi]." African Studies, 7(1): 39-44.
- N'Kangalesa, Raoul Mpundu. 1997. Education Sexuelle chez les Aushi de Kasenga: Approche d'un Phénomène Socio-Culturel. Thesis, Institut Supérieur Pédagogique, Lubumbashi, DRC.
- Philpot, R. 1936. "Makumba: The Baushi Tribal God." The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 66: 189-208.
- Richardson, E.M. 1959. Aushi Village Structure in the Fort Roseberry District of Northern Rhodesia. Lusaka, Zambia: Rhodes-Livingstone-Communication.
- Spier, Troy E. 2016. "A Survey of the IcAushi Language and Nominal Class System." LACUS Forum, 42(1): 1-8.
- ———. 2020. A Descriptive Grammar of Ikyaushi. Ph.D. dissertation, Tulane University, USA.
- ———. 2021. "Four Trickster Tales in Ikyaushi." World Literature Today, Autumn: 68-71.
- ———. 2022. "Nominal Phrase Structure in Ikyaushi (M.402)." Studies in African Languages and Cultures, 56: 31-47.
- ———. In Preparation. "Discourse Markers and Connectives in Ikyaushi (M.402)."
- wa Kubaaya, Kabange Mukala. 1983. Etude Comparée des Langues des Zones L et M. Mémoire de Licence en Linguistique. Lubumbashi, DRC: Université de Lubumbashi (UNILU).
Taabwa (M41) [bem]
43 References
- Antoine, Rev. P.N. 1935. "La Polygamie chez les Batabwa." Grands Lacs, 51: 31-32.
- ———. 1936. "Locutions Proverbiales des Batabwa." Grands Lacs, 52: 11/2.
- Boulanger, Jean. 1976. La Femme et les âges de la Vie: Les Traditions de l'Ethnie Tabwa. Mémoire pour le Diplôme de l'I.S.T.R. Paris: Institut de Science et de Théologie des Religions.
- Cancel, Robert. 1981a. Inshimi Structure and Theme: The Tabwa Oral Narrative Tradition. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin.
- ———. 1981b. "Inshimi Performance Techniques of the Zambian Tabwa: Elements and Experience." Ba Shiru, 12(1): 47-65.
- ———. 1989. Allegorical Speculation in an Oral Society: The Tabwa Narrative Tradition. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.
- ———. 2013. "Writing Oral Narrative: The Role of Description and Self in Recording Living Traditions." In Storytelling in Northern Zambia: Theory, Method, Practice and Other Necessary Fictions, pp. 1-30. Open Book Publishers.
- ———. 2013. "The Tabwa Context: Mature Shifting of Frames and Adolescent Assertion." In Storytelling in Northern Zambia: Theory, Method, Practice and Other Necessary Fictions, pp. 31-74. Open Book Publishers.
- Davis, Christopher O. 2000. Death in Abeyance: Illness and Therapy among the Tabwa of Central Africa. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- de Beerst, G. 1896. "Essai de Grammaire Tabwa." Zeitschrift für Afrikanische und Oceanische Sprachen, 2: 271-287, 291-383.
- Dufour, A. 1938. "Notes sur les Mœurs des Balubas et Batabwas." Bull. de l’Assoc. des Diplômés de l’École spéc. des Conducteur s-géologues du Borinage, Pâturages, 4: 161-162.
- Huys, Mgr. 1910. Origine des Watabwa. Rome, Italy: L'Archivio Padri Bianchi.
- Kalenga, Kaki A. 1992. Esquisse Grammaticale de la Langue Shila, Parler de Nkuba Bukongolo-Lac Moëro. Thesis, Université de Lubumbashi, DRC.
- Kalumbwa, K. 1984. Une Morphologie Comparée du Bemba et du Taabwa. Mémoire, Lubumbashi
- Kaoze, Stefano. 1928. "Le Métier à Tisser chez les Batabwa." Congo: Revue Générale de la Colonie Belge, 9(1): 515-519.
- ———. 1973. "Proverbes Tabwa." Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines, 13: 744-68.
- Kasasa, Crispin. 1969. Essai sur les Coutumes et Pratiques Funèbres Tabwa en Milieu Urbain: Suivi de Propositions pour leur Adaptation aux Temps Présents. Contribution à l'étude des Croyances et Pratiques des Peuples de la Province du Katanga.
- Kasoro, Tumbwe. 1979. Les Emprunts Français en Taabwa. Thesis, Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de Kisangani, DRC.
- Kavimbwa, Pierre Mutono. 2002. Elements de Phonologie et de Morphologie du Kitaabwa (M41a): Approche Structuraliste. Thesis, Université de Lubumbashi, DRC.
- Missionnaires d Afrique. 1909. Manuel Kitabwa à l'Usage des Missionnaires du Vicariat du Haut-Congo. Maison-Carrée (Alger): Impr. des Missionnaires d Afrique.
- Mukalay. 1973. Langage Taabwa, Langage Courant et Langage des Chansons: Syntaxe et Sémantique. Mémoire, Lubumbashi
- Mulendwa, Astrid Kabembo. 2000. Les Loisirs Traditionnels chez les Batabwa des Malungu. Travail de Fin de Cycle en Histoire et Sciences Sociales. Lubumbashi: Institut Supérieur Pédagogique.
- Musambachime, Mwelwa Chambika. 1974. History of the Shila People. MA thesis, University of Wisconsin, USA.
- Mutono, K.T. 1981. Création Lexicale en Taabwa: Composition et Dérivation. TFE, Lubumbashi.
- ———. 1988. "Introduction à la Morphotonologie du Kitaabwa (M41): Cas de la Forme Verbale." Africanistique, 19: 2-32.
- Mwela-Ubi, Kalunga. 1980. "Le Proverbe Taabwa." Africa: Rivista Trimestrale di Studi e Documentazione dell'Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, 35(2): 191-216.
- Ntambo, Mwamba. 1984. Aspects Spatio-Temporels en Kitaabwa (M41). Thesis, Université de Lubumbashi, DRC.
- Roberts, Allen F. 1982. "'Comets Importing Change of Times and States': Ephemerae and Process among the Tabwa of Zaire." American Ethnologist, 9(4): 712-729.
- ———. 1983. "'Perfect' Lions, 'Perfect' Leaders: A Metaphor for Tabwa Chiefship." Journal des Africanistes, 53(1-2): 93-105.
- ———. 1984. "'Fishers of Men': Religion and Political Economy among Colonized Tabwa." Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 54(2): 49-70.
- ———. 1986a. "Social and Historical Contexts of Tabwa Art." In E.M. Maurer (ed), The Rising of a New Moon: A Century of Tabwa Art, pp. 1-51. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Museum of Art.
- ———. 1986b. "Duality in Tabwa Art." African Arts, 19(4): 26-35, 86-87.
- Rwakazina, Alphonse-Marie. 1966. Esquisse Grammaticale de la Langue Taabwa: Phonologie et Morphologie. Thesis, Université Lovanium, Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, DRC.
- Songwe, Catherine. 2022. A Descriptive Study of Tabwa Language. Thesis, University of Zambia.
- van Acker, Auguste. 1907. Dictionnaire Kitabwa-Français et Français-Kitabwa. Annales du Musée du Congo, Ethnographie et Anthropologie, Série 5: Linguistique, 1:1. Bruxelles: Tervuren.
- Vleugels, Jos. 1948. "Het Klanksysteem bij de Batabwa." Nieuw Afrika (Antwerpen, BE), 3: 126-129.
- ———. 1972. "Moeurs et Coutumes Principales des Batabwa." Problèmes Sociaux Zaïrois, 98/99: 3-71.
- ———. 1976. Hadisi ya Batabwa. Kirungu, Moba, Zaire: Catholic Mission.
- wa Kasama, Kisulo. 1989. Paroles du Rite Bupyani chez les Tabwa: Essai d'Analyse Socio-Culturelle. Travail de Fin de Cycle en Littératures Africaines. Lubumbashi, DRC: Université de Lubumbashi.
- Weghsteen, Rév. P.J. 1945/46. "Une Fable des Watabwa." Grand Lacs, 4/6: 70.
- Wembalongo, Ndibu Tshibangu. 1988. La Présence des Pères Blancs chez les Tabwa de Kirungu et son Impact 1893-1960. Mémoire de Graduat en Histoire. Lubumbashi, DRC: Institut Supérieur Pédagogique.
- Wembo, K. 1973. Esquisse Phonologique et Morphologique de la Langue Sila. Mémoire, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo.
- Yenga, Y. 1999. L'impact du Discours Proverbial dans la Vie Courante chez les Taabwa. TFE, IPN/Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Bemba (M42) [bem]
124 References
- Barham, L.G. 1971. Bemba Lessons: A Graded Study of the Bemba Language with Charts. Kitwe, Zambia: Christian Press.
- Barnes, Bertram Herbert. 1922. "Survival after Death among the Ba-Bemba of North-Eastern Rhodesia." The Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 37: 41-42.
- Barnes, Bertram Herbert & Clement Martyn Doke. 1929. "The Pronunciation of the Bemba Language." Bantu Studies, 3(1): 423-456.
- Belin, Jean-Paul. 1959. Learn Bemba by Speaking It. Mbala (Northern Rhodesia): White Fathers' Mission.
- Bennett, Patrick Allen. 1995. A Missiological Analysis of Selected Bemba Proverbs on Marriage. MA thesis, University of South Africa.
- Bickmore, Lee S. and Nancy Chongo Kula. 2013. "Ternary Spreading and the OCP in Copperbelt Bemba." Studies in African Linguistics, 42(2): 101-132.
- Bosch, E. Bemba Grammar with Exercises. Ndola, Zambia: Language Center.
- Brelsford, William Vernon. 1940. The Succession of Bemba Chiefs: A Guide for District Officers. Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia: Government Printer.
- Breteler, Jeroen and René Kager. 2022. "Layered Feet and Syllable-Integrity Violations: The Case of Copperbelt Bemba Bounded Tone Spread." Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 40: 703–740.
- Cancel, Robert. 2013. "Chiefs, Tricksters and Catholics: Bemba Tales and Orations." In Storytelling in Northern Zambia: Theory, Method, Practice and Other Necessary Fictions, pp. 75-122. Open Book Publishers.
- Chulu, Chupa Reuben. 2019. The Grammar of Compound Nouns in Bemba. MA thesis, University of Zambia.
- Dauphin-Tinturier, Anne-Marie. 1984. Piège pour un Lion: Éthnolinguistique de Contes Bemba (Zambie). Ph.D. dissertation, Universite de Paris 5.
- Delhaise, Charles. 1908. "Chez les Wabemba." Ethnographie Congolaise, 173-227.
- Etienne, Francois. 1962. Native Customs a study of the Babemba and the Neighboring Tribes. Lusaka, Zambia: White Fathers' Archive.
- Fagan, Brian M. 1969. A Short History of Zambia from the Earliest Times until AD 1900. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Fanshawe, D.B. 1965. "A Check List of Plant Names in the Bemba Languages." Forest Research Bulletin, 5: 38 p.
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- Fox-Pitt, [Commander] Thomas Stanley Lane. 1939. Chibemba Note Book: A Short List of Words [..] with an Elementary Grammar of the Language of the Awemba Tribe of Northern Rhodesia. London: Longmans.
- ———. 1950. Chibemba Note Book. London & Cape Town: Longmans, Green & Co.
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- ———. 1970. "On Ordered Rules and the Modified Base of ChiBemba Verbs." African Studies, 29: 47-54.
- ———. 1972. Studies in Chibemba and Bantu Grammar. Studies in African Linguistics: Supplement 3. Department of Linguistics and the African Studies Center, University of California.
- Goodall, Edward Basil Herbert. 1921. Some Wemba Words: Some Meanings and Explanations. London: Oxford University Press.
- Guillerme, Luis. 1920. Dictionnaire Francais-Cibemba, precede d’un abrege de grammaire. Malines, BE: Imprimerie Godenne.
- Guthrie, Malcolm. 1945. The Tonal Structure of Bemba. Ph.D. dissertation, London.
- Guthrie, Malcolm and Michael Mann. 1995. "A Vocabulary of IciBemba." African Languages and Cultures, Supplement, 2: 1-113.
- Hamann, Silke and Nancy Chongo Kula. 2015. "Bemba." Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 45(1): 61-69.
- Heimbeck, Cora. 1987. Lokativkonstruktionen im Bemba. MA thesis, Institut für Afrikanistik, Universität zu Köln.
- Hinfelaar, Hugo F. 1994. Bemba-Speaking Women of Zambia in a Century of Religious Change (1892-1992). Leiden/New York: E.J. Brill.
- Hoch, Ernst. 1959. Bemba Grammar Notes for Beginners.
- ———. 1960. Bemba Pocket Dictionary: Bemba-English and English-Bemba. Abercorn, Northern Rhodesia: Society for the Missionary of Africa (White Fathers).
- ———. 1963. Bemba Grammar with Exercises. Chinsali, Zambia: Language Centre.
- ———. 1998. Bemba-English, English-Bemba Concise Dictionary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press for the Inyanga Research Fund.
- Hyman, Larry Michael. 1992. "Velar Palatalization in Cibemba: A 'Non-Duplication Problem'." Linguistique Africaine, 8: 55-71.
- ———. 1994. "Cyclic Phonology and Morphology in Cibemba." In Cole, J. and C.W. Kisseberth (eds), Perspectives on Phonology, pp. 81-112. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information.
- ———. 1995. "Minimality and the Prosodic Morphology of Cibemba Imbrication." Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, 16(1): 3-39.
- Kabwita, M. 1987. La Littérature Sélenique Bemba, Essai d'étude Métafolklorique. Mémoire, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo.
- Kamengwa, Kalumbwa. 1984. Une Morphologie Comparée du Bemba et du Taabwa. Mémoire, Lubumbashi
- Kamwangamalu, Nkonko Mudipanu. 1997. "Language Frontiers, Language Standardization, and Mother Tongue Education: The Zaire-Zambia Border Area with Reference to the Bemba Cluster." South African Journal of African Languages, 17(3): 88-94.
- Kapambwe, Lumbwe. 2004. The Role of Music in the Marriage Ceremonies of the Bemba-Speaking People of Northern Zambia. MA thesis, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
- Kasonde, Alexander Raymond Makasa. 1985. Contribution á la Description du ChiBemba (Bantu M.42): Aperçu sur le Système Verbal. Paris, France: Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle
- ———. 2002. A Classified Vocabulary of the Icibemba Language. München, DE: Lincom Europa.
- ———. 2009. Phonologie et Morphologie de la Langue Bemba. (LINCOM Studies in African Linguistics, 75.) Lincom.
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- ———. 1974. A Phonemic Analysis of Icibemba: a Presentation of Bemba Syllable Structure, Phonemic Contrasts and Their Distribution. MA thesis, East Lansing: Michigan State University, USA.
- ———. 1977. "Town Bemba: A Sketch of its Main Characteristics." In Kashoki, Mubanga E. (ed.), Language in Zambia: Grammatical Sketches, pp. 62-108. Lusaka: Institute for African Studies, University of Zambia.
- ———. 1990. "Sources and Patterns of Word Adoption in Bemba." In Fodor, István and Hagège, Claude (eds.), Language Reform: History and Future, pp. 31-57. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag.
- Kaya, K.Y. 1981. La Notion de Temps en Bemba (Approche Sémantique-Pragmatique). Mémoire, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo.
- Kula, Nancy Chongo. 2000. "On the Representation of NC Clusters in Bemba." In Bezooijen, R. V. & R. Kager (eds), Linguistics in the Netherlands, pp. 135-148. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co.
- ———. 2001. "Imbrication in Bemba." In Hume, Elizabeth and Smith, Norval and Weijer, Jeroen van de (eds.), Surface Syllable Structure and Segment Sequencing, pp. 102-116. Leiden, NL: Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics (HIL).
- ———. 2002. The Phonology of Verbal Derivation in Bemba. Utrecht: Lot.
- ———. 2003. On the Autonomy of the Root in Bemba. Köln, DE: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
- ———. 2012. "Nominal Compounding and Associative Phrases in Bemba." In Brenzinger, Matthias & Anne-Maria Fehn (eds), Proceedings of the 6th World Congress of African Linguistics, pp. 421-432. Köln, DE: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
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