
  1. (Contracted) Spier, Troy E. Exploring Corpus-Driven Research: A Guide for Beginners. Skopje, Macedonia: Balkan University Press.
  2. (Under Review) Spier, Troy E. Blood for Blood, Destruction for Destruction: A Religio-Linguistic Analysis of al-Shabaab. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books / Bloomsbury Publishing.
  3. Poladian, Arpi and Troy E. Spier. 2020. The Great Crime: An Aintab Diary. CORE: Open Access for the Humanities. 159 pp.
  4. Maliqi, Driton, Fatmire Ajdari, and Troy E. Spier. 2017. The Persistence of Hope: 100 Stories from the Refugee Crisis. Institut Informacijskih Znanosti: Maribor, Slovenia. 248 pp.
 Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters:
  1. (In Preparation) Spier, Troy E. "Discourse Markers and Connectives in Ikyaushi (M.402)."
  2. Spier, Troy E. 2024. "Academic Book Reviews: Who’s Writing and Citing What in Linguistics?" Romanian Journal of English Studies, 21(1): 1-23.  [+PDF]
  3. Spier, Troy E. 2024. "Essentializing Muslims in Ecuadorian Journalism: A Corpus-Informed Study of El Comercio." Lenguaje, 52(2): 1-27.  [+PDF]
  4. Spier, Troy E. 2024. "State of the Field: A Nationwide Study of Linguistics Education in American Colleges and Universities." In Jáuregui Magriñár, Juan Pablo et al. (eds), Proceedings of the 23rd Meeting of the Texas Linguistics Society, pp. 1-26.  [+PDF]
  5. Spier, Troy E. 2024. ".المسلمون في اإلكوادور: الواقع والتحدّيات" [Islam in Ecuador: Reality and Challenges.] Muslims in Latin America, pp. 46-68. Dubai, UAE: al-Mesbar Studies & Research Center.
  6. Spier, Troy E. 2022. "First-Year Composition and ELL Students' Critical Self-Reflections: A Corpus-Driven Approach for Mutual Learning." In Emin Idrizi, Igballe Miftari-Fetishi, and Marija Stevkovska (eds), Contemporary Issues in Language Teaching, pp. 11-37. International Balkan University, Skopje, North Macedonia.  [+PDF]
  7. Spier, Troy E. 2022. "Nominal Phrase Structure in Ikyaushi (M.402)." Studies in African Languages and Cultures, 56: 31-47.   [+PDF]
  8. Spier, Troy E. 2022. "Islamophobia, Ideology, and Discourse Analysis in Ecuadorian Social Media." Lenguaje, 50(2): 322-357.   [+PDF]
  9. Spier, Troy E. 2022. "Ideological Exclusion: Defining the (Dis)believer in Extremist Muslim Periodicals - Dabiq and Inspire." In Discourse, Media, and Conflict: Examining War and Resolution in the News, edited by Innocent Chiluwa, pp. 194-212. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [+PDF]
  10. Spier, Troy E. and Patricia D. Pytleski. 2022. "Literacy, Curriculum, and Pedagogies: Considerations for Anthropologists Teaching First-Year Composition." Teaching Anthropology, 11(2): 48-58.  [+PDF]
  11. Spier, Troy E. 2021. "Diverse Voices for Diverse Experiences: What Can Post-Bellum, Pre-Harlem Writers Teach Secondary Students?" International Journal of Education and Philology, 2(2): 55-76.  [+PDF]
  12. Spier, Troy E. 2021. "Basic/Developmental Writing Course Descriptions: A Study in Critical Corpus Stylistics." Language. Text. Society, 8(2): 1-23.  [+PDF]
  13. Spier, Troy E. 2021. "Four Trickster Tales from Lwapula Province, Zambia." World Literature Today, Autumn: 68-72.  [+PDF]
  14. Spier, Troy E. and Jesahe Herrera Ruano. 2021. "An Examination of Spanish-Language Signs and Identity in Hazleton, Pennsylvania (USA)." Lenguaje, 49(1): 1-26.  [+PDF]
  15. Spier, Troy E. 2019. "Reading into Riding Culture: Messages and Sayings on Daladala Vehicles in Usa River, Tanzania." Journal of Asian and African Studies, 54(3): 376-389.  [+PDF]
  16. Spier, Troy E. 2018. "Extremist Propaganda and Qur’anic Scripture: A 'Radical' Corpus-Based Study of the Dabiq." Discourse & Society, 29(5): 553-567.  [+PDF]
  17. Spier, Troy E. 2017. "Characterizing AAVE: A Corpus-Based Study of Charles Chesnutt’s Short Stories." Fleur de Ling: Tulane University Working Papers in Linguistics, 3(1): 122-133.  [+PDF]
  18. Spier, Troy E. 2016. "A Survey of the IcAushi Language and Nominal Class System." LACUS Forum, 42(1): 1-8.  [+PDF]
 Invited/Peer-Reviewed Book Reviews and Book Notes:
  1. (In Preparation) Spier, Troy E. Review of African Language Media by Phillip Mpofu, Israel A. Fadipe, and Thulani Tshabangu (2023). African Studies Review
  2. (In Preparation) Spier, Troy E. Review of Linguistics Across Disciplinary Borders: The March of Data by Steven Coats and Veronika Laippala (2024). LINGUIST List.
  3. Spier, Troy E. 2024. Review of Linguistics Olympiad: Training Guide by Vlad A. Neacșu (2024). LINGUIST List, 35.3566.  [+PDF]
  4. Spier, Troy E. 2024. Review of Lexical Reconstruction in Central Chadic: A Comparative Study of Vowels, Consonants and Prosodies by H. Ekkehard Wolff (2023). LINGUIST List, 35.2476.  [+PDF]
  5. Spier, Troy E. 2024. Review of Curriculum Renewal for Islamic Education: Critical Perspectives on Teaching Islam in Primary and Secondary Schools by Nadeem A. Memon, Mariam Alhashmi, and Mohamad Abdalla (2021). Reading Religion.  [+PDF]
  6. Spier, Troy E. 2024. Review of Linguistic Landscapes: A Sociolinguistic Approach by Jeffrey L. Kallen (2023). LINGUIST List, 35.1317.  [+PDF]
  7. Spier, Troy E. 2024. Review of Corpus Dialectology by Elissa Pustka, Carmen Quijada van den Berghe, and Verena Weiland (2023). LINGUIST List, 34.2738.  [+PDF]
  8. Spier, Troy E. 2023. Review of African Languages from a Role and Reference Grammar Perspective, edited by Jens Fleischhauer and Claudius Patrick Kihara. LINGUIST List.  [+PDF]
  9. Spier, Troy E. 2023. Review of Wahhābism: The History of a Militant Islamic Movement by Cole M. Bunzel (2023). Reading Religion.  [+PDF]
  10. Spier, Troy E. 2023. Review of On-Screen Language in Video Games: A Translation Perspective by Mikołaj Deckert and Krzysztof Hejduk (2022). LINGUIST List, 34.2075.  [+PDF]
  11. Spier, Troy E. 2022. Review of A History of African Linguistics by H. Ekkehard Wolff (2019). LINGUIST List., 34.698.  [+PDF]
  12. Spier, Troy E. 2022. Book Note on Youth Language Practices and Urban Language Contact in Africa by Rajend Mesthrie, Ellen Hurst-Harosh, and Heather Brookes (2021). Language in Society, 51(4): 7-9.  [+PDF]
  13. Spier, Troy E. 2021. Review of Antiracist Discourse: Theory and History of a Macromovement by Teun A. van Dijk (2021). LINGUIST List, 32.3811.  [+PDF]
  14. Spier, Troy E. 2021. Review of The Oxford Handbook of Language and Society by Ofelia García, Nelson Flores, and Massimiliano Spotti (2020). LINGUIST List, 32.2793.  [+PDF]
  15. Spier, Troy E. 2020. Review of Language and Development in Africa by H. Ekkehard Wolff (2016). LINGUIST List, 31.2204.  [+PDF]
  16. Spier, Troy E. 2020. Review of Islamophobia, Race, and Global Politics by Nazia Kazi (2018). Critical Research on Religion, 8(2): 210-213.  [+PDF]
  17. Spier, Troy E. 2019. Review of Essentials of Linguistics by Catherine Anderson (2018). Teaching and Learning Anthropology Journal, 2(1): 41-43.  [+PDF]
  18. Spier, Troy E. 2019. Review of A Grammar of Dari by Rebecca Mitchell and Djarmal Naser (2017). LINGUIST List, 30.2003.  [+PDF]
  19. Spier, Troy E. 2018. Review of Linguistic Morphology: A Student Guide by Amani Lusekelo (2014). Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics, 1(1): 92-93.  [+PDF]
 Edited Volumes:
  1. Spier, Troy E. 2025. Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics. 7(1). 113 pp.   [+PDF]
  2. Spier, Troy E. 2024. Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics, 6(1). 121 pp.   [+PDF]
  3. Spier, Troy E. 2023. Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics, 5(1). 93 pp.   [+PDF]
  4. Spier, Troy E. 2022. Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics, 4(1). 137 pp.   [+PDF]
  5. Spier, Troy E. 2021. Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics, 3(1): 84 pp.   [+PDF]
  6. Spier, Troy E. 2019. Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics, 2(1): 79 pp.   [+PDF]
  7. Spier, Troy E. 2018. Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics, 1(1): 93 pp.   [+PDF]
 Popular Writing:
  1. Spier, Troy E. 2024. "Languages of the World: Aushi." Babel: The Language Magazine, pp. 20-21.