- (Contracted) Spier, Troy E. Exploring Corpus-Driven Research: A Guide for Beginners. Skopje, Macedonia: Balkan University Press.
- (Under Review) Spier, Troy E. Blood for Blood, Destruction for Destruction: A Religio-Linguistic Analysis of al-Shabaab. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books / Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Poladian, Arpi and Troy E. Spier. 2020. The Great Crime: An Aintab Diary. CORE: Open Access for the Humanities. 159 pp.
- Maliqi, Driton, Fatmire Ajdari, and Troy E. Spier. 2017. The Persistence of Hope: 100 Stories from the Refugee Crisis. Institut Informacijskih Znanosti: Maribor, Slovenia. 248 pp.
Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters:
- (In Preparation) Spier, Troy E. "Discourse Markers and Connectives in Ikyaushi (M.402)."
- Spier, Troy E. 2024. "Academic Book Reviews: Who’s Writing and Citing What in Linguistics?" Romanian Journal of English Studies, 21(1): 1-23. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2024. "Essentializing Muslims in Ecuadorian Journalism: A Corpus-Informed Study of El Comercio." Lenguaje, 52(2): 1-27. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2024. "State of the Field: A Nationwide Study of Linguistics Education in American Colleges and Universities." In Jáuregui Magriñár, Juan Pablo et al. (eds), Proceedings of the 23rd Meeting of the Texas Linguistics Society, pp. 1-26. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2024. ".المسلمون في اإلكوادور: الواقع والتحدّيات" [Islam in Ecuador: Reality and Challenges.] Muslims in Latin America, pp. 46-68. Dubai, UAE: al-Mesbar Studies & Research Center.
- Spier, Troy E. 2022. "First-Year Composition and ELL Students' Critical Self-Reflections: A Corpus-Driven Approach for Mutual Learning." In Emin Idrizi, Igballe Miftari-Fetishi, and Marija Stevkovska (eds), Contemporary Issues in Language Teaching, pp. 11-37. International Balkan University, Skopje, North Macedonia. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2022. "Nominal Phrase Structure in Ikyaushi (M.402)." Studies in African Languages and Cultures, 56: 31-47. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2022. "Islamophobia, Ideology, and Discourse Analysis in Ecuadorian Social Media." Lenguaje, 50(2): 322-357. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2022. "Ideological Exclusion: Defining the (Dis)believer in Extremist Muslim Periodicals - Dabiq and Inspire." In Discourse, Media, and Conflict: Examining War and Resolution in the News, edited by Innocent Chiluwa, pp. 194-212. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. and Patricia D. Pytleski. 2022. "Literacy, Curriculum, and Pedagogies: Considerations for Anthropologists Teaching First-Year Composition." Teaching Anthropology, 11(2): 48-58. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2021. "Diverse Voices for Diverse Experiences: What Can Post-Bellum, Pre-Harlem Writers Teach Secondary Students?" International Journal of Education and Philology, 2(2): 55-76. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2021. "Basic/Developmental Writing Course Descriptions: A Study in Critical Corpus Stylistics." Language. Text. Society, 8(2): 1-23. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2021. "Four Trickster Tales from Lwapula Province, Zambia." World Literature Today, Autumn: 68-72. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. and Jesahe Herrera Ruano. 2021. "An Examination of Spanish-Language Signs and Identity in Hazleton, Pennsylvania (USA)." Lenguaje, 49(1): 1-26. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2019. "Reading into Riding Culture: Messages and Sayings on Daladala Vehicles in Usa River, Tanzania." Journal of Asian and African Studies, 54(3): 376-389. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2018. "Extremist Propaganda and Qur’anic Scripture: A 'Radical' Corpus-Based Study of the Dabiq." Discourse & Society, 29(5): 553-567. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2017. "Characterizing AAVE: A Corpus-Based Study of Charles Chesnutt’s Short Stories." Fleur de Ling: Tulane University Working Papers in Linguistics, 3(1): 122-133. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2016. "A Survey of the IcAushi Language and Nominal Class System." LACUS Forum, 42(1): 1-8. [+PDF]
Invited/Peer-Reviewed Book Reviews and Book Notes:
- (In Preparation) Spier, Troy E. Review of African Language Media by Phillip Mpofu, Israel A. Fadipe, and Thulani Tshabangu (2023). African Studies Review
- (In Preparation) Spier, Troy E. Review of Linguistics Across Disciplinary Borders: The March of Data by Steven Coats and Veronika Laippala (2024). LINGUIST List.
- Spier, Troy E. 2024. Review of Linguistics Olympiad: Training Guide by Vlad A. Neacșu (2024). LINGUIST List, 35.3566. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2024. Review of Lexical Reconstruction in Central Chadic: A Comparative Study of Vowels, Consonants and Prosodies by H. Ekkehard Wolff (2023). LINGUIST List, 35.2476. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2024. Review of Curriculum Renewal for Islamic Education: Critical Perspectives on Teaching Islam in Primary and Secondary Schools by Nadeem A. Memon, Mariam Alhashmi, and Mohamad Abdalla (2021). Reading Religion. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2024. Review of Linguistic Landscapes: A Sociolinguistic Approach by Jeffrey L. Kallen (2023). LINGUIST List, 35.1317. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2024. Review of Corpus Dialectology by Elissa Pustka, Carmen Quijada van den Berghe, and Verena Weiland (2023). LINGUIST List, 34.2738. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2023. Review of African Languages from a Role and Reference Grammar Perspective, edited by Jens Fleischhauer and Claudius Patrick Kihara. LINGUIST List. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2023. Review of Wahhābism: The History of a Militant Islamic Movement by Cole M. Bunzel (2023). Reading Religion. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2023. Review of On-Screen Language in Video Games: A Translation Perspective by Mikołaj Deckert and Krzysztof Hejduk (2022). LINGUIST List, 34.2075. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2022. Review of A History of African Linguistics by H. Ekkehard Wolff (2019). LINGUIST List., 34.698. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2022. Book Note on Youth Language Practices and Urban Language Contact in Africa by Rajend Mesthrie, Ellen Hurst-Harosh, and Heather Brookes (2021). Language in Society, 51(4): 7-9. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2021. Review of Antiracist Discourse: Theory and History of a Macromovement by Teun A. van Dijk (2021). LINGUIST List, 32.3811. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2021. Review of The Oxford Handbook of Language and Society by Ofelia García, Nelson Flores, and Massimiliano Spotti (2020). LINGUIST List, 32.2793. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2020. Review of Language and Development in Africa by H. Ekkehard Wolff (2016). LINGUIST List, 31.2204. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2020. Review of Islamophobia, Race, and Global Politics by Nazia Kazi (2018). Critical Research on Religion, 8(2): 210-213. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2019. Review of Essentials of Linguistics by Catherine Anderson (2018). Teaching and Learning Anthropology Journal, 2(1): 41-43. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2019. Review of A Grammar of Dari by Rebecca Mitchell and Djarmal Naser (2017). LINGUIST List, 30.2003. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2018. Review of Linguistic Morphology: A Student Guide by Amani Lusekelo (2014). Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics, 1(1): 92-93. [+PDF]
Edited Volumes:
- Spier, Troy E. 2025. Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics. 7(1). 113 pp. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2024. Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics, 6(1). 121 pp. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2023. Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics, 5(1). 93 pp. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2022. Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics, 4(1). 137 pp. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2021. Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics, 3(1): 84 pp. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2019. Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics, 2(1): 79 pp. [+PDF]
- Spier, Troy E. 2018. Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics, 1(1): 93 pp. [+PDF]
Popular Writing:
- Spier, Troy E. 2024. "Languages of the World: Aushi." Babel: The Language Magazine, pp. 20-21.